Sharon Carter🔫

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Ok please tell me I'm not the only one who ship Sam x Sharon?I mean he got the shield

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Ok please tell me I'm not the only one who ship Sam x Sharon?
I mean he got the shield...shouldn't he get the girl too?
Also I'll always be a hardcore Stucky shipper!
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Complimenting Sharon.
"Agent 13?!"You called after the blonde who you'd identified only after she'd continued down the hall.
She turned."Yes, Agent..?"
"Oh uh hi."You blushed, cursing yourself for being so awkward."I-I'm Agent Y/L/N, Y/N Y/L/N. Sorry I'm acting so odd it's just your really pretty-shit, oh my god that was so embarrassing."
Agent 13 laughed a little."Well thank you, Y/N, you may as well call me Sharon. What did you need?"
"Oh nothing, Agent Hill just wanted to see you."You told her, face still red.
"Thank you."The beautiful SHIELD agent thanked and continued on her way before turning."You're very pretty too, Y/N."

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