Bucky Barnes⭐️

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Imagine: Bucky being jealous.
"Stop it."Bucky spoke angrily through gritted teeth to Sam sitting shotgun.
"Stop what?"He spoke, still trying to stifle his laughter.
"Enjoying this so much."The super soldier clenched his fists.
You had a lot of underworld connections and Sam and Bucky needed your help tracking down some guy from Hydra. You hadn't needed to use your connections for years due to joining the Avengers and putting most of your spying career behind you, so you decided to butter this guy up a bit to make sure you got what you needed. Something Bucky was not on board with.
Sam peeked out his window again at you where you were flirting with your "guy"."What you don't like watching your girlfriend flirt with other guys?"
"I don't love it."Bucky gruffly spoke, he tapped his metal fingers against the steering wheel to try and distract himself but it didn't work. The former soldier sighed as he saw you get closer to the man."I'm going to put a stop to this."
"Dude-"Sam started to protest but Bucky was already getting out of the car.
"Hey, doll!"Bucky called to you, leaning on top of the car.
You turned with a bright smile and waved to him.
"We should get moving."He said."We have things to do."
You rolled your eyes at him and turned back to the man, Bucky presumed to thank him before you walked back to the car and got in the back seat.
"Finally."Sam sung as Bucky got back in the driver's seat.
"Here."You handed Sam what your black market guy had given you.
"Uh, Y/N, these are Yungblud concert tickets."He told you.
"Oh sorry those are mine."You exchanged them for some files."Oops."
"So, Y/N, who was that guy?"Bucky asked as he drove off.
"Just some dude."You replied."Why?"
"He was jealous."Sam interjected.
"Was not!"Bucky argued.

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