Sam Wilson🐤

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Imagine: Being on a mission with Sam"Sam, no

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Imagine: Being on a mission with Sam
"Sam, no."
"I'm afraid I don't have a choice."
You rolled your eyes. You could tell by your boyfriend's tone he was loving this, you could practically see the shit eating grin on his beautiful face.
"Sam, I swear to the heavens above if you do this I will kill you."You seethed, hands balling into fists at your sides.
He chuckled lowly."Well only as long as you don't break up with me."
A few beats of silence.
"Ok. You ready, babe?"Sam spoke through the comms, delight laced on his words.
You could hear the whooshing of the wind as he soared through the air.
"Nope."You muttered and squeezed your eyes shut just before being lifted off the ground and into the arms of your flying boyfriend. You immediately began to panic and scream, blindly hitting at Sam and yelling to be put down."I told you I wasn't ready! I said no! Sam, put me the fuck down! Drop me! I don't fucking care!"
"Y/N, I might actually drop you if you don't stop moving and neither of us wants that to happen."Sam told you before he swooped low and to the left suddenly.
You felt your stomach lurch and at that you stopped squirming."Ugh, I'm going to be sick."
"Sorry, gunfire."
"Right."You mumbled, slightly out of it...until you snapped back into superhero mode."Gunfire?!"
Your senses seemed to be coming back, your hears heard the piercing gunfire from below you, the cold wind stung your cheeks as Sam flew you through the air, you could taste the bile in your mouth from the fear and sickness you felt and reluctantly you opened your eyes again.
"Oh my god."You choked out looking around at the blue sky."I'm going to die."
"You opened your eyes!"Sam beamed."Aw, I'm so proud."
"Let go of me and I'll put you in the ground."

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