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The corridors were bustling with chatter as students made their way from U.A.'s giant hall back to their respective classrooms.

Class A, especially, were in a hurry to return to theirs before the bell rung in fear of Aizawa. But that didn't stop Ochako from leisurely eyeing Yumi's glass trophy -one she'd just received during a short award ceremony for winning that English essay contest a month back.

"Waaah, it's see-through!" Uraraka awed as they walked back to class. "Where are you gonna keep it, Yu-chan?"

Akano shrugged. "I don't know, I'm sure my parents will figure something out."

Unsurprisingly, the Akanos had a special dedicated a display shelf box to all of the medals and prizes she'd earned dating back to the third grade. The shelves also held numerous framed pictures of her, which kind of made the whole thing look like a shrine. No matter how she complained how morbid it seemed, Akito blatantly argued that it was a great conversation piece.

'As if we invite anybody over in the first place...' She snorted.

Kirishima, after hearing the two, slowed down his pace to walk alongside his fellow redhead. "Akano, congrats!"


"Man, your English must be really good. Mine is just...awful." He sighed, head drooping.

She blinked, her lips forming a tight line. "...I can help you out sometime if you'd like."

Kirishima's eyes widened, visibly lightening up at the offer. "Really? I'll hold you up to that!"

Yumi nodded in affirmation. "Yeah, no problem."

Once they were close enough to their classroom, 1-A were faced with a group of familiar students of their neighboring class.

Expectedly, it was Monoma who chose to engage with them, as unpleasant as he was.

"Akano! You really fit in with the pretentious class-A." He exclaimed, heatedly pointing at her as he burst into forced laughter. "No sense that you're out of place at all!"

Said girl nodded, replying monotonously. "Thanks for your support."

"Quite the difference in enthusiasm..." Kaminari commented and Sero silently agreed.

"Class B seem to still hold a grudge against our class because of Bakugou-kun's provocation at the sports festival. As class president, I should be keeping the peace amongst the hero course!"

"It's not your fault, Iida." Akano gave the class president a pointed look. "Neither is it Bakugou's," She trailed off. "surprisingly."

Before the ash blonde could erupt at her, he was forcefully hauled into class by the air-chopping Iida. Just as Akano followed behind them, her eyes flickered to the side when she caught sight of a purple tuft of hair.

"Shinso-" She began, moving to speak with him, but the moment she said his name, he dashed away, turning around the corner.

'What the...'

However, the bell was like an alarm, half-forcefully stopping her thoughts and taking her into class.


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