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Yumi had felt off all morning.

A surge of premonitory feelings was rushing through her as she made her way to school. She wasn't sure why she had felt that way, but she'd decided to push it away as their homeroom teacher walked into class.

"Okay, take your seats." Harada-sensei instructed, and the students who had been out of their desks immediately complied. Unlike with the heroics course, the General Ed department was taught by regular teachers and not Pro Heroes. Yet another reason why the majority of Yumi's class envied them.

"I have good news for you today." The female teacher announced, her glinting eyes glancing at Yumi as she proudly announced the news. Said redhead already knew what it was since they'd called her parents the night before.

"Akano-san won the grand prize for the English essay contest. The award ceremony will be next month."

Shinso turned his head to the quiet Yumi who was seated next to him, while the rest of their classmates uttered their words of fascination to one another.

Yumi internally smiled as she thought back to her father's and mother's reaction, and their insistence that they go out and celebrate the good news. Though annoyance took over her, ginger brow twitching slightly when she heard someone whispering and saying, "It's almost scary that she has no weaknesses."

She wouldn't be lying if Yumi said that she wasn't fond of the majority of her classmates. They were all too similar to the ones in her middle school. Far too shallow and easily impressionable; that's how they all were throughout her middle school years. She'd excused them in the very beginning, telling herself that they were just kids and still haven't matured outside their juvenile nature. Or that maybe the fault was with her because she was too mentally developed for their age. But she was in high school now, and as days passed, she was nearing the age -seventeen years old- at which she had passed away.

In Kanagawa Gakuen, almost everyone was fawning over her without actually ever bothering to know who she was. And then after a certain incident; a rumor spread by a guy in her class, everyone sort of started to badmouth her, saying that she was 'arrogant' and thought she was 'better than all of them'.

The only person in this class who she didn't mind was Shinso Hitoshi. They weren't the bestest of friends or anything, and they barely spoke to each other outside of the classroom, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he was her favorite amongst her classmates. He was partial to her and didn't seem to particularly like or dislike her. Granted, there were moments where she would catch him staring at her for no apparent reason, and he would quickly avert his gaze after being caught.

Perhaps she favored him because it's been a long time since she's related so intensely to someone. Yumi knew exactly how Shinso felt in her past life, being judged for the power they were born with. And as a result, they both lead lives lined with insecurities and doubt.

On the other hand, Hitoshi wondered why Akano casually spoke to him without having her guard up. As he sat there, he found that his purple irises would involuntarily be fixed on her serene form. His eyes drawn to hers like a magnet.

She was weird.

Yumi occasionally approached him and talked to him without a hint of nervousness or fear, which greatly intrigued him. But it also oddly made him..happy.

Most people were on edge when talking to Shinso, all in fear of being brainwashed by him, scared of turning into mindless puppet. But not her.

He tried not to think of her friendliness towards too much, as hard as he could. Perhaps Akano didn't really think it through. For a smartass, she wasn't very attentive. Maybe she was really an airhead.

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