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"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

-Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight


Shigaraki was grinning like a madman as he slipped out of the mall and into a dark alleyway. He was so excited that he could barely contain his body from shaking. The encounter he had with Midoriya was so thrilling because he finally got his answer.

It was like he had originally thought. Everything was All Might's fault. The reason why Stain was so popular and gaining attention when his league had to piggyback on his fame. It all came down to All Might in the end.

But now, he'll make sure to put an end to it. He clawed at his heart and laughed, the sound echoing dully in the empty alley.

Caught up in his own self satisfaction, Shigaraki failed to realize that he was being followed. But once he did, his body jolted in alarm, hand already twitching to act.

In annoyance, he clicked his tongue at whoever dared to interrupt his moment of revelation.

Tomura was no stranger to hiding in the shadows, so he simply blended into the darkness in waiting. His vigilant bloodshot red eyes wide and unblinking.

And then his pursuer finally came into the view; a girl though he barely made out her silhouette in the darkness.

'What are you following me for, damned brat?!'

Shigaraki held his breath to camouflage his entire existence, waiting for the right moment to pounce once the girl walked passed him and deep into the dark alley.

She panted, head turning left and right to see where he disappeared to -he guessed.

He almost scoffed, in the rush, she didn't even notice him. A mistake she would come to regret, if she even lives that long anyway.

With light, inaudible footsteps, Tomura approached the girl from behind, and she was none the wiser.

He now stood right behind her. But before he could get a chance to to wrap his fingers around her petite throat or utter a sinister 'don't move', an invisible force took control over Shigaraki's entire body, restraining him before flinging him against the wall like mere tumbleweed rolling in the wind.

Sitting up against the brick wall, he grunted as he cradled his arm, having difficulty comprehending what just happened.

"Who... are you?" Yumi questioned, her translucent, green eyed stare scrutinizing the man's crouching form.


An unidentified irritation had made Yumi feel sick.

She had been peacefully cruising the outdoor mall along Shouto when the unidentified man walked past her, sending her in a frantic sprint.

It was an unintentional usage, possibly her own mind's attempt at keeping her safe, but her Quirk activated nonetheless. As always, images began to flood her head, images that came in small, disorganized fragments, but eventually formed a coherent stream of consciousness. She could hardly make sense of what she was seeing, but for some reason, it made her stomach sink.

There was a dog, wheezing on its owner's lap, flesh crumbling off its body. Yumi could hear frantic crying echoing in her ears. The ground was cracked all around too. More crying. The sickening sensation kept spreading.

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