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There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were.”

-Hazrat Inayat Khan.


Yumi was sent to Recovery Girl's clinic.

What stopped her from going there right after the end of the tournament was the phone call she received from her parents. Once she answered, Yumi was was bombarded with their gleeful congratulations, chanting how much they were proud of their little girl. And although their words brought unbridled joy to the redhead, she couldn't help but notice the worried undertone to their voices-something she chose not to adress.

Akito and Chiharu had recognized Yumi's breakdown as soon as they'd seen it on their television, their upbeat smiles quickly falling upon noticing. It bore semblance to her reaction to the night terrors she used to get as a child, albeit they were long gone now, but the look of horror that betrayed their little girl's face was still carved into their memories.

After she hung up the tense call, she went straight to Recovery Girl's clinic to do something about her burnt forearm.

The smell of disinfectant quickly attacked Yumi's nose once she slid the door to the open, however not as aggressively as her eyes were when they landed on the scowling ash blonde.

"The fuck are you doing here?" His eyes immediately narrowed and his teeth clenched at the sight of Yumi. The Recovery hero wasn't currently present, so it was just the two in the room.

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm seeking medical treatment like yourself." The girl retorted incredulously.

Bakugou shoved his hands into his pockets under her scrutiny and gave her a tight-lipped glare. He tried to turn his body away so he didn't have to see her face anymore, but that was not such a great idea as pain shot up his torso. He winced before turning back to the redhead, just missing the concerned flash in her eyes before it morphed back to her usual (and infuriating) neutral expression.

There was heavy tension in the room and he took a moment before deciding to voice his thoughts.

"Next time I won't lose."

"But you've already won. Are you concussed?" Yumi's eyebrows shot up her forehead, her lips half-parting in amusement as she approached him and began to wave her index finger in front of his face. "Follow my finger."

"Get that thing away from my face before I blast it off!" He rebuked out loud with his usual irritable tone, slapping her hand away. 

She knew what he meant. Clearly, Bakugou wasn't satisfied until his opponents dropped dead—not literally, she hoped. Having only pushed her out of bounds with her still standing, it wasn't a win in his book, especially with the added fact that he couldn't have won in his beat up state if she'd fought on without backing down.

"Wow, someone's a sore winner." She added, in a wishful attempt to lighten the mood.

Bakugou scoffed solemnly. "You call that a win?"

Her teasing smile turned rueful when she took a good look at him and heard his thoughts simultaneously.

'My ass. You stopped fighting way before you lost. Just like that half-and-half bastard...' A dull shade of vermillion that was once shimmering with determination and authority was now without light and harbored a sort of emptiness that looked foreign to him. And another wave of guilt and shame washed over the girl when she realized what she's done.

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