The past never leaves

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-Shataya POV-

*Its a week after I taught that devil a lesson. I still haven't told Tyrone what happened, but he seems to have forgotten about the whole thing. I'm getting ready to meet Chantelle. I come out of the shower, dry myself, and look at my reflection in the mirror, not believing its me. I just see a huge bump. Its hard enough having a difficult relationship, but to think I'm only 16 and already stressing out over these type of situations. I look through my closet and throw my black leggings on, one of Tyrones grey jumpers, a gold chain and a pair of converses. I check my outfit in the mirror to see if the bump is easy to see and it is clearly not. I jel my edges and tie my hair into a high ponytail or a massive puff in my world. I rush down the stairs, which seemed to be a struggle, and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge just in case.*

Me: Babe, I'm going out!
Tyrone: Where?
Me: Just to meet some old friends.
*Tyrone hugs me, and I hold on to him for a while but then push him back, and leave. I get to the cafè and meet Chantelle and she's sitting down at a table wearing hoops, a massive jacket and some ripped jeans. One thing I didn't expect to see today was a pram next to her. She looks really annoyed as she was trying to calm the baby down.*
Me: Hey Chantelle!
Chantelle: Hey...
Me: You OK, you seem pissed?
Chantelle: Glad you noticed, all I want to have is a slice of cake and a strawberry and lime smoothie
{They laugh}
*I look into the pram and smile.*
Me: He's so handsome, what's his name?
Chantelle: Jamalé
Me: Awww...
Chantelle: So how's life?
Me: Well, I reported the assault
Chantelle: Good for you boo, finally you got rid that n*gga.
Me: Not really, there not gonna arrest him until I've took a paternal test..
Chantelle: Damn, I'm sorry...
Me: Its co---
{Chantelles phone rings}
Chantelle: Oh lord, sorry the baby daddy calling
Me: Go ahead, its fine
{Chantelle picks up the phone}
Chantelle: Dominique, where are you, Jamalè needs to eat?
*My heart skips a beat drastically, not knowing why. I sit there and watch Chantelle, as she finishes her conversation with her hubby.*
Chantelle: Well you best get your ass here in the next five minutes....I don't care, come NOW!
{Ends the call}
Me: You ok?
Chantelle: Yeah, but I left Jamalè's food at home.
Me: Oh....
Chantelle: Anyways, pregnancy flies by....the baby will start crawling, walking, even talking before you know it.
Me: Well, still can't believe I'm pregnant....
Chantelle: I felt the same way, but in the end you'll love it more than you love anyone or anything...
Me: Yeah, no doubt about that.
Chantelle: What do you mean?
Me: Leave it..
Chantelle: No tell me
Me: I don't really know how to put it.
Chantelle: You really do, tell me babygirl
Me: Well, I don't feel the same way about Ty anymore, like I don't think he feels for me as much as he used to.
Chantelle: Don't even let me hear that again
*I didn't think I felt that way, and to think that the first person I let it out to was Chantelle. I don't want anything to go wrong between us but....*
Chantelle: I think its just your hormones, I felt the same way when I was pregnant and there's people that would try to make your boyfriend look bad, there all jealous. What I'm trying to say I that, don't let anything get in the way. You'll regret having your baby grow up without a dad, and imagine how it will feel.
Me: Yeah, I know but what about him?
Chantelle: I know Tyrone loves you...
Me: Really...
Chantelle: He's stuck by you and he knows you've been through a tough time--
Me: Not exactly
Chantelle: Huh....
Me: Well, he thinks me and Romeo had sex!
Chantelle: How?
*She leaned forward with interest while comforting little Jamalè.*
Me: I kind of lied, I didnt want him to know the truth. Because Romeo is....
Chantelle: Romeo is what?
Me: Tyrone's half brother.
Chantelle: Oh Lord Jesus...
Me: I'm stupid.
Chantelle: No comment, don't get me wrong but that's even better. You basically told him you cheated and he's still with you. But you lied is what will hurt him most.
********: Lied to who?
*I looked behind and my jaw dropped. I saw this tall, dark, muscular figure. He had a mischevious smile with a hint of innocence and and huge sense of style, my ex-boyfriend.*
Chantelle: Keep your black nose out of this.
*He leaned in for a kiss, with Chantelle obviously, and I felt this huge amount of weight drop onto my shoulders. He turned towards me and waved after he handed the baby bag to Chantelle.*
Dominique: I put everything you asked for in there.
Chantelle: Including my make up bag?
Dominique: Including your make up bag. You OK?
Me: Yeah
Chantelle: You know each other.
Dominique: Yeah we went to the same school.
Chantelle: That's cool...Where were we?
Me: I'm going home....Tyrones probably wondering where I am.
Chantelle: Yeah, Dominique I'm going to my mums house...
Dominique: Cool, I'll see if I can find that bouncy chair you wanted for Jamalè.
Chantelle: Ok, I'll see you later, and I'll call you soon, Shatataya
Me: No problem, bye
*I walked and hugged Chantelle and rubbed my forehand against Jamalès face then waved goodbye as I walked away.*
Dominique: So how's life?
*I jumped slightly after realising he was walking beside me.*
Me: Great, you?
Dominique: Difficult now.
*We carried on walking and the awkwardness was distracted by the cars passing by.*
Dominique: How's grandma Daines and Shakayla.
Me: There doing okay I guess.
Dominique: Good, and I'm guessing your with Tyrone.
Me: Well I'm not gonna lie to you...
Dominique: I'll take that as a yes!
Me: Yup..
Dominique: I'm happy for you
Me: Same for you, you seem happy with Chantelle, you even have a baby.
Dominique: Its not easy, I thought when I moved away that I would come back to save you from torture
{They laugh}
Me: Torture?
Dominique: Yeah...Living without me
Me: I missed you. You haven't changed one bit, considering you even have a child.
Dominique: You've changed.
Me: How?
*We looked eye to eye and nervously exchanged smiles.*
Dominique: I don't know. Do you remember what we used to listen to every time we were together?
Me: I always think about us when I hear it, how could I ever forgot.
Dominique: The first song we ever listened to together.
*He pulls out his phone and goes into his music library. He taps onto the favourites and underneath the sub-heading, most played, was our song.*
Dominique: From you look inna me eye gal I see she you want me, When you gonna give it up to me
Me: Because you body enticing, you makin' me want it, When you gonna give it up to me
*We walked down the alley way and we danced, as if we were alone. I hadn't felt so good in a long time*
Dominique: Well if a no today girl then a must be tomorrow, When you fulfill my fantasy
Dominique and I: Because you know I give you lovin' straight like an arrow, When you gonna give it up to me
*We were still dancing and then the music change to some hood music. We looked at each other and exchanged smiles.*
Me: What?
Dominique: Nothing.
Me: It must be something, you keep doing this look
Dominique: Honest, its nothing, I'm gonna go and buy the stuff
Me: I'm not doing anything, should I come with?
Dominique: I don't mind.
Me: Just as friends
Dominique: Just as friends.
*We went to the shops and we picked out this cute, blue bouncy chair Chantelle asked for. He bought me some outfits, he said it was to make up for all the birthdays he missed. I had forgotten how cute he was. Dominique and I had dinner at this fancy outdoor restaurant we went to on all of our anniversaries. We had been together for 2years, 7months and 25days. If your guessing we broke up December 7th. It was a rough month. We sat and talked for hours, I think my butt also deformed.*
Me: I should get going now, need to sit and rest.
*I reached in my pocket, and put the money for the bill on the table. As I did that his hands fell on top of mine, with a debit card in-between. I suggest he was trying to pay.*
Dominique: I've got this
Shataya: No really, I'll pay.
{Ty❤️ Calling....}
Me: Hey
Tyrone: Hi
*I slid my hands away from underneath Dominique's*
Me: What do you want?
Tyrone: Just wondering what my baby is doing?
Me: What one?
Tyrone: Both of them, you ok?
Me: Yeah
Tyrone: I just had dinner with the guys and Shakayla went round to her friends house. Just finished picking up, when are you going to be home?
Me: In the next 30minutes.
Tyrone: Cool, I'll see you later, love you
Me: love you too!
{Call ended}
Dominique: Everything fine?
Me: Yeah! I told you not to pay
Dominique: I couldn't let you do it...I should get home aswell
*We both stood up and walked around the table to hug each other*
Dominique: It was great seeing you again and thank you for helping out.
Me: Chantelle will love the chair and thank you for the clothes.
Dominique: I should probably get your number to tell you what she thinks
Me: Don't say I was with you, take all the credit too!
Dominique: Not even one word, she will freak out if she finds out I spent the rest of the day with you
Me: See you later
Dominique: Bye
*We hugged one last time, but I hadn't realised how much I treasured it until after. I made my way home. Finally, I got back and Tyrone was busy emailing the school on why we couldn't participate in the film festival we were meant to do.*
Me: I'm back.
*I sat down, feeling happy that I was in a warm, comfy seat. My feet were sore. I threw my shoes of and wrapped my arms around Ty*
Tyrone: I spoke to Dad today
Me: You made up yet?
Tyrone: He forgot about it, he told me he spoke to mum
*I sat up, knowing the possibilities of Trisha telling Mr Johnson was endless.*
Me: About what?
Tyrone: I know what Romeo did to you
Me: Can we not talk about it please.
*He grabbed onto my hips trying sit me back down*
Tyrone: We need to!
Me: Those shopping bags need to go upstairs, treated myself today
*I could see my phone vibrating in the distance, knowing I'd got a text message*
Tyrone: Please
*I grabbed the shopping bags and my phone and rushed up the spiral staircase. I jumped into bed after changing into one of Tyrone's trousers and shorts.*
{Text message}
Tutor: Hey xx
Me: Hi xx
Tutor: Chantelle loved the chair and so did my little boy
Me: That's good xx
Tutor: Wuu2 xx
Me: Just pissed off xx
Tutor: Wat happened? Xx
Me: Arguments
Tutor: Explain xx
Me: U won't get it xx
Tutor: plzz
Tutor: you can trust me xx
Me: Idk if I should tell u tho
Tutor: u can tell me anything xx
Me: i was raped and he just found out
Tutor: if I knew it was tht bad I wouldn't hav asked xx
Me: it's kk xx
Tutor: wen we meeting again? Xx
Me: idk 😊
Tutor: It makes me laugh how ur ID on my phone is manager
Me: just like urs is's a bit weird xx
Tutor: yeh xx
Me: y do u think I've changed xx
Tutor: I guess u just hav xx
Me: how tho xx
Tutor: u seem more stressed by something xx
Me: is tht easy to tell xx
Tutor: is it the rape thing if u don't mind me asking xx
Me: I think so xx
Tutor: I'm here if u need me xx
Me: thx xx
Tutor: I'm gonna go, Chantelle asking questions xx
Me: kk xx nite
Tutor: gd nite, love u xx
Me: love u 2 xx

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