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-Shataya POV-
Me: Behave Kayla
*I walk towards the car waving goodbye to Rebecca, Vanessa and Shakayla, who is kinda ill! I sit inside the car and so does Dominiquè after strapping Jamalè into his car seat. He then puts his foot down onto the gas pedal. He looks at me. Not in a cute way. Like a stranger at the bus stop who just randomly decides to stare at every move you make.*
Me: Is there something on my face?
Dominiquè: Nahh
Me: Then can I have my face back....and keep your eyes on the road!!
Dominqiuè: Sorry! Are you ok?
Me: Why wouldn't I be?
Dominiquè: You seem really laid back after what happened last night.
Me: I've put it behind me!
Dominiquè: You sure?!
Me: 100%, I've got you now!
Dominiquè: Uhh, yeah...
*Dominiquè looked really unsure when he replied to my comment. He was showing mixed emotions around me, but I didn't want to start anything that would stress me out. We finally reached his house and we saw Chantelle standing outside, gardening!*
Dominiquè: Go down...NOW!
*I did exactly that. She should be at work right now. She's my midwife. She should be preparing for my appointment. We were expecting their babysitter to be home! I stayed down, not being able to see anything above the dashboard. Dominiquè got out of the car! And took Jamalè into the house and got other stuff. I could just hear mumbling and slight words. I could tell by the tone of Chantelle's voice that she was frustrated by something but I couldn't quite hear what it was!*
Dominiquè: If your gonna add more things to your long list of things that annoy you, then I'll give you another three days to calm down.
*Dominiquè angrily comes back into the warmth of the car and slams the door! I look up at him and he has his hands against his head, then starts the engine*
Me: What happend this time?
Dominiquè: She's complaining about how I left Jamalè in the back seat and I should of had him in the front in the passengers seat, but the last time I did that she warned me that the airbag isn't safe and could hit the car seat so I shouldn't do it. I don't what's going through her mind right now. She's like mad woman. Almost mental!
Me: Sorry, it's my fault. I should sat behind with Jamalè.
Dominiquè: No, it's cool! She's just acting bi-polar right now!
Me: Why do you put up with this?
Dominiquè: Because I love her!
*I look at him! I feel something build inside of me, then I feel the babies feet wind me in my tummy!*
Me: Owww
Dominiquè: You alright!
Me: Couldn't be better!
*I already know that me and this baby are going to have a really close relationship. Something I didn't get with my parents! It already knows me more than I know myself. I'm starting to have second thoughts about the way I've planned out my life. I've focused to much on my love life and my future. I need to focus on what I have right now. I'm currently single, pregnant, no family, I wouldn't say homeless, but I doubt I would be living with Tyrone soon or later. I've lost everything I have.*
Me: Dominiquè?
Dominiquè: Yeah?
Me: You really love Chantelle?
Dominiquè: Yeah..why?
Me: I feel that it's me who's getting in the way of what you have. Before I came along, you seemed perfect and I'm forcing you to question your relationship.
Dominiquè: What? Nahh...I love you too!
Me: I'm so sorry. I'm a fool. I've done this to everyone and I've been really selfish. Because we didn't finish our relationship, I'm trying to do the same with you and Chantelle.
*He doesn't say a word. He doesn't even give me eye contact. So I don't bother saying anything else. I don't think his that interested. But that's me being selfish. We finally to my school*
Dominiquè : Wow! I thought it would of changed.
Me: Well you thought wrong! It's still a rubbish school.
*He holds my hand and we walk to the reception, which looks more empty than it usually was.*
Desk woman: Hi, welcome. How can I help you?
Me: I've got an appointment with the head teacher!
Desk woman: Yep, you're five-minutes late. Go in!
*Dominiquè holds the door for me as I struggle to walk my fat self through the door to the head masters office. We walk past a few students who look at me as if I'm from another world. Then I spot Aaliyah and Alissa standing by their lockers with Starbucks in their dry hands. Aaliyah laughs at me and whispers something in Alissa's ear. I walk towards them in confidence!*
Aaliyah: I knew you'd be the first to get yourself pregnant.
Me: I knew you'd still be crowned b*tch of the year!
Aaliyah: You still think your amazing. At least I'm leaving with qualifications. It obviously runs through family to have a bad reputation.
*She giggles to her side chick. I give my bag to Dominiquè and he holds onto it then trying to hold me back.*
Me: I swear you don't know what is coming your way. Just beware and thank God that your still walking and talking today.
*I walk away straight after seeing Miss Jarlo approaching us. I knock on the head teachers door*
Head teacher: Come in!
*Dominiquè and I walk in, then sit onto the black chairs in front of the desk covered in paperwork*
Head teacher: It's nice to see you again Shataya and Dominiquè.
Me: Hi sir!
Head Teacher: So, let's get on with what you came for!
*The head teacher pulls out all these forms and sheets from his draw beneath the desk.*
Head Teacher: What is your reason for not coming into school?
Me: Well it's kind of self-explanatory
Head Teacher: Mmm... How long ago did you stop attending school?
Me: 4months
Head Teacher: You do realize Miss Daines that you were able to come in. You're 4months pregnant?
Me: Yes!
Head Teacher: Shataya, your year are all prepared for the exams next week! You could of been prepared but you decided to call in absent everyday.
Me: I had morning sickness, I need to pee every five minutes, I'm screaming because there's a human inside of me constantly kicking or punching me or groaning because of extreme hunger. As a former member of the student council and debate class, I believe, me missing school wasn't the wrong mistake because it would be unfair to other students. You see if I asked to go to the toilet, then was allowed and after another student asked but the teacher refuses to that need, then it would cause an argument. If I had been sick in school and then sent home, it would disrupt lessons and my learning. If I had shouted in the middle of a practice test, I wouldn't get into trouble but others would, they'd get an ungraded paper. With those events occurring continuously on a daily basis it would influence others to follow in my steps, which I don't think anyone would agree with. Even though it makes me a hypocrite, you can't deny that what I'm stating sir, is the truth. I mean, you don't want a whole school filled with young, pregnant females. Do you sir?
Head Teacher: No wonder you have the highest grade in debate class
Me: Even now?
Head Teacher: Even now! Well then...we're going to give you another four months of studying and then you will be allowed to sit your exams--
Me: But I can't come into school
Head Teacher: If you let me finish my sentence...
Me: Sorry!
Head Teacher: So, we're going to hire you a tutor, who will visit your home every week, twice. Is that fine with you?
Me: I'd prefer to meet with them at a particular location, sir.
Head Teacher: Anywhere in mind Miss Daines
Me: Errr, that new hotel down the road.
Head Teacher: Ok, I'll make that clear to your tutor...
Me: Thanks
Head Teacher: All the details will be sent to your e-mail
Me: Ok
Head Teacher: To finish this off I need you to sign this note which also has mine signature across it, which you must show to whoever wants information on why you are not attending school.
Me: Ok
Head Teacher: And Dominiquè, I hope you have one too!
Me: Finished school sir, getting myself prepared for university
Head Teacher: It's lovely to see students grow into responsible adults. And I hope you do well with the child Miss Daines.
Me: I'll try!
Head Teacher: Well I guess we're done for today
Me: Alright, see you soon sir
Head Teacher: Have a good day children
*Dominiquè and I peacefully make our way out of school. He drops me to the hospital and we walk into the waiting room.*
Dominiquè: Are you excited?
Me: I don't know
Dominiquè: What do you mean?
*Dominiquè turns to face me*
Me: I don't really know what the future holds for me
Dominiquè: You don't appreciate how strong you are. You've been through a ton of things and you think you can't fight anything else that comes your way
Me: Mm...
Nurse: Shataya, you can make your way to room 6
Me: Ok
Dominiquè: Good luck
*I kiss him and he then walks back into the car park. I find room 6 and walk inside. I then see Chantelle setting things up*
Me: Hi
Chantelle: Hey, you ok?
Me: I think so
Chantelle: Everyone gets nervous. How are you and Tyrone?
Me: Not together no more
Chantelle: Oh, I'm sorry. I was wondering why he wasn't here with you..
{knock on door}
Chantelle: Come in!
*I'm laying on the bed, thinking about what Dominiquè said to me, I then turn my head to the side to see him walk in. My heart starts pumping faster than the last few seconds before.*
Dominiquè: Hey
Chantelle: What you doing here?
Dominiquè: Came to see my girl at work!
Chantelle: Ok I forgive you, that's cute!
*I was confused by what was happening at the moment but I couldn't do anything. Chantelle and Dominiquè are really perfect for each other and I think it's now time I put things right with Tyrone.*
Chantelle: Are you ready?
Dominiquè: For what?
Chantelle: Shataya! I was talking to Shataya you idiot
Me: Haha...yeah
*I look at the screen and forget about the cold jelly that has just been applied to my belly. Chantelle talks through what is being shown on the screen and it's honestly heart warming just to see the most precious thing to me. I stare at it forgetting about everything happening and all my stresses and start to smile uncontrollably!*
Chantelle: Would you like to find out the gender or keep it a surprise!
Me: Err...
Chantelle: It's up to you!
Me: I'd like to know, I just want to start shopping straight away
Chantelle: Well Shataya, you're going to give birth to a baby girl
Me: Really?
*My palms start to sweat and I start to have all these amazing thoughts of what it would be like with a little girl by my side.*
Chantelle: I'll come shopping with you if you want!
Me: Yeah, I'd love that...actually, I need to catch up with someone else, sorry
Chantelle: That's fine! You were gonna have to wait like 2hours anyways.
*I continue to smile at my joy and pride on the screen.*
Chantelle: Oh god!?
Me: What?
Chantelle: Errm, I see more than two heads!
Me: Oh my gosh!
*Everything paused and stopped around me. How? I can't believe that I have another baby growing in me. And worst of all they're twins.*
Chantelle: One of them is developing slower than the other. It's perfectly normal with twins but I'm just going to send a copy to one of the consultant midwives just to check everything is perfect.
Me: Ok
*I sit up and think. I didn't know I'd be feeling this way when I'm minutes away from announcing the news to everyone. Worst of all I'm carrying two children's who's father could be a rapist or an idiot. Hating my like even more and I feel for my babies!*
Hi guys!
I've got like a few more chapters
Hope ur enjoying the story anyways and share it with ur friends.
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