Ch. 8

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Kendall's POV

Everyone is having a blast. I don't think I've seen Al's smile this big before. She always has a smile on her face, but I don't think I've seen one this big. The rink is just a big circle, so it's pretty easy to keep an eye on the girls. I am coming up behind Al's and her friends; I squat down and tickle her sides. She jumps and just before she fell I caught her. She turned around and saw me "Dad!" she said playfully hitting me. "Ally!" I said mocking her and skating away.

Al's POV

After Dad ran off I started going again. I've never skated before, Liz's party was my first time, so I'm surprise I haven't fallen a lot. Katie, Lizzy, and I were skating next to each other and I was at the end. Suddenly I feel someone skate really fast by me. I jumped and slipped and fell on my butt. "Ow!" I yelled. I was pulled up by the girls having them ask if I was okay. I nodded. I hear laughing up ahead. I look up to see that it was Lindsay and her worker bees laughing at me. "Why is she here?" I asked the girls continuing to skate "It's her birthday today," Lizzy said "How do you know?" I asked "We use to be friends with her, but we also know that because we were in the same class last yeat and she invited the whole class to her birthday," Katie explained. "Ohhhhh," I said. Lindsay and the bees have been picking on but I've just been ignoring them. Ever since that moment on the bus with some of the guys and Dad I just try to ignore them. I haven't told Dad or anyone about them yet. "Are you going to tell your dad?" Katie asked me. I shook my head "No, not unless it gets bad," I told them. They understood.

Cake time

It was finally time for cake. Everyone was singing and I just blew out the candles. After everyone had a picec of cake Dad said it was time to open presents. Lizzy was first. She got me some color pencils and a small sketch pad. I gave her a hug and went on to the next one Katie was the next one. She got me some guitar picks and a guitar pick necklace because I always tell them about my lessons with Dad which are going great by the way. After Katie's present and giving her a hug, James handed me the one from hime and Peta. Peta came with because they have Dancing with the Stars rehearsal after the party. She honestly one of the sweetest people I've ever met. I pulled the tissue paper out and the first thing I saw was an envelope; I pulled it out and opened it. It was a picture James and Peta's promo shot with Peta's autograph "Are you serious?!?!" I asked Peta excitedly. She laughed and nodded. "Thank you!" I said to her "You're welcome," she said. I use to watch DWTS all the time with my mom and sister, because my sister loved ballroom dancing. She wanted to become one when she grew up. I put it back in the envelope and set it aside and continued to open the gift. I pulled out the next thing in the bag; it was earrings and a matching necklace. "Thank you James it's really pretty," I said to him giving him and Peta a hug. "Thank you Peta, my sister wanted to become a ballroom dancer like you when she grew up before she passed," I whispered to her. She squeezed me tighter. Carlos handed me his gift from both him and Alexa. They got me $30 ITunes card, a big sketch pad, some markers, more color pencils, and even crayons. "Thank you!" I said to them giving them both a hug. "You're welcome sweetie," Alexa said to me. Next was Logan, Presley and Sixx. They got me some shoes that Pres picked out, clothes, and a couple teen magazines. Grandma and Grandpa, and Mama and Papa Henderson gave me money.

Party is done

My friends already got picked up, so it just Dad, Carlos and Alexa, Logan and Pres, and I to clean up. James and Peta left to rehearsals. While cleaning and putting left over cake and presents we talked about the most randomist things. Finally we finished and decided to go hang out at the house. As we were leaving I turned back and saw Lindsay giving me a dirty look.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i hope you enjoyed this chapter. i decided to change Elizabeth's nickname to Lizzy instead of Liz because it sound too much like Lindsay the mean girl.... More will be up hopefully soon :D

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