Ch. 2

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Al’s POV


“Bye Grandma, love you!” I said getting out of the car. “Bye Al, love you too!” she said. I closed the car door and off she went to work. I walked inside the school so I could the office could show me around. We finished the tour with my classroom. The principle introduced us and left. My teacher name was Ms. Johnson. She let me stay in the class since it was almost time for the other students to come in soon.

School starts

“Hi everyone welcome to the 5th grade!” Ms. Johnson said. She told us to introduce ourselves and say 1 fact about ourselves. When we got to me, I stood up “Hi I’m Ally, my dad calls me Al’s, and I am adopted.” I told them. I didn’t want to say that my dad was Kendall Schmidt, I didn’t want to have fake friends, and I want to find my true friends first. It was now time for lunch and our class sits at one table. (I’m going off of what my school was like) I got a chicken patty with corn and some fruit and went to the table. I was looking for somewhere to sit “Ally over here!” my classmate Sam called. I sat next to her and started eating “soooo…. Are you adopted by Kendall Schmidt?” she whispered. My eyes went wide “No why?” I replied not knowing what to say. “We love BTR so does my older sister and we saw the live chat where introduced you,” she said pointing to her friend Elizabeth. “Okay please don’t tell anyone please.” I whispered pleading to her and Elizabeth. “Okay we won’t.” Elizabeth said. We finished eating and went outside to the playground. Outside they pointed out the mean girls of the 5th grade (sorry if these are your names I don’t mean any of you just names of girls I know from my school) queen bee Lindsay and her worker bees Marisa, Angie, and Valerie.

After school

I waited for Grandma to come and get me. Finally she was here and I got in the back and off we went. “So how was your first day?” she asked. I told her about introducing ourselves, making friends with Sam and Elizabeth, and how they told me about the mean girls. Grandma was happy that I made friends, and to stay away from the mean girls. I also told her how they knew I was Kendall’s daughter.


Hope you guys enjoy chapter 2 please comment any ideas you have. Also if you want to be Kaite or Elizabeth comment. Thanks for reading! :D

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