Ch. 3

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Kendall's POV

A week later (Thursday)

This cruise was amazing, even though I didn't talk to Ally much. Carlos proposed to Alexa on the first night at dinner and good thing she said yes because that would have been awkward if she said no. The cruise was about done we're docking later today and I'm going to surprise Al's tomorrow at school. She thinks I won't be home till Saturday.

Al's POV

Same day

The first week of school was great Katie and Liz (Elizabeth's nickname) are my best friends now I can pretty much trust them with anything. We got to hang out over the weekend which was cool. Ms. Johnson is telling us our math homework while we write it down in our agendas. When she was done we still had like 5 minutes of school left so we just grabbed our stuff and talked. When the bell rang I got my phone that she keeps in her desk and went to the hall to line up with Kate and Liz. When we got out they went to their bus. I looked for Grandma but I didn't see her "Ally!" I heard I turned my head and saw Presley. I told Ms. Johnson my ride was here and walked to Pres. I got in the car "Hi Pres hi Mama H," I said "Hi Ally girl (Ally girl is Mama H nickname for her) Grandma works late so she called me to come get you." She told me "Ok," I replied. "How was school girls?" she asked us, "Good" Pres started "I have no homework." She continued "That's good what about you Ally girl?" she asked me. "Fine Ms. Johnson gave us math homework that we have to do." I said. "Well that's not too bad right?" Mama H asked "no just that some of this is hard and I don't get it." I answered "Well don't work I can help you when we get home so you don't have to work about it." Pres said. "Thanks Pres!" I told her. "No problem Al's," she said.


HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! Hope you all have a great New Years.! Here's to 2015! :D Sorry this was supposed to be up on Saturday but I got busy, but enjoy!!

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