Ch. 10

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Al's POV

Monday Morning

"Bye Dad love you," I said getting out of the car. "Bye babygirl," he said driving off. As Dad left I heard laughing behind me. I turned around and headed to Katie and Lizzy. I noticed it was Lindsay and the other mean bees. "Your dad calls you babygirl?" she said knowing she was making fun of me. "Yeah so what's wrong with that?" I asked her walking away. I met up with the girls and started talking.

Recess Outside

Katie and I were playing soccer wondering where Lizzy was and by soccer I mean just kicking the ball around. "So I found out who your dad is on Saturday," I heard. I turned to see the mean bees again. "Oh really who?" I asked. "Logan Henderson," Lindsay simply said thinking she was right. "I saw you guys at the rink," She continued. I looked at Katie and we both started laughing. "Logan's not my dad," I said calming down from laughing. "Yes he is just admit it," she shouted. "I would admit if it he was but Logan isn't my dad," I simply said. "Its Kendall Lindz," I heard from behind Lindsay. I looked behind her and saw Elizabeth(Lizzy), "What are you doing Lizzy?" I asked. "Well you see I've been faking being yours and Katie's friend." She said. "Why?" Katie asked. "Because these people are better than both of you," Lizzy or should I say Elizabeth replied. "I trusted you," I said. She just shrugged. Then all of a sudden Lindsay came at me and pushed me to the ground. I hit the ground and that took my breath away literally. Lindsay got on top me and was trying to attack me. I was blocking her hits and trying to get my inhaler, but Lizzy I mean Elizabeth hit it out of my hands. "You think your all that just because Kendall's your dad but you're not," Lindsay yelled at me. "You think you can get whatever you want but you can't," She continued yelling and punching at me. "Come on Lizzy hit her!" I heard her group cheering her on. I looked behind her and also saw Elizabeth wasting my medicine. "I can't get whatever I want. I'm not spoiled," I yelled at her running out of breath.

Katie's POV

When I saw Lindsay attack Ally I ran to the aids the people who keep an eye out on us outside to tell them what was going on. When I got to them I explained what was happening and pointed at them. Ally says they know that Kendall is her father so that helped. 2 of the four and myself ran to help. Another went to the office to call Mr. Schmidt, Lindsay's parents, and everyone else's parents including mine. When we got to them Al's was really struggling to breath, but was still trying to get Lindsay off of her. The aids finally got Lindsay off of Ally. One took the mean girls to the office while the other tried to calm Ally's breathing. I crouched down so Ally could see me. "Ally your dad is coming okay your going to be fine," I said to her hoping it would help. The aid who went to the office came back with Al's emergency inhaler. It help her catch her breath, but she was still coughing a little. "Thanks," she said "No problem what are best friends for," I said smiling to her. She was a little weak so I help her to the office.

Kendall's POV

Dustin and I were in the studio working on something special for the fans. I knew BTR was going to be taking a break after this past tour so Dustin and I wanted to start working on some new Heffron Drive music. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Al's school.

K: "Hello?"

S(school): "Hello yes this is Mr. J from (school name). May I speak to Kendall?"

K: "This is he," I replied looking at Dustin.

S: "Yes we had a situation regarding your daughter, Ally,"

K: "What happened?"

S: "Well she seem to have gotten in a fight with some girls at recess and we would like you to come down here to take her home, and also to have a talk as to what happened because during this she seem to have an asthma attack."

K: "WHAT an asthma attack?"

S: "Don't worry she is doing fine now,"

K: "I'll be there in 5,"

S: "Alright bye,"

K: "Bye," I said hanging up

"What happened with Ally Bear,"(I just thought of that nickname lol) Dustin asked. "Ally got into a fight at school during recess," I said shocked. "What!? You don't think she started it do you?" he asked "No Al's isn't like that something must have happened," I told him. "Do you want to come?" I asked. He nodded and got up. We headed to the car and left. "Do you mind if we go to my mom's after we leave?" I asked "nah that's fine," he said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOO 853 WORDS!!!!! Hope you enjoyed Ch. 10 and Ch. 11 is already written. I'm not sure but I might end it with just 11 chapters I know weird number but I have one in the works plus I was reading another fan fic and it inspired me so I might start it might not...... TTYL and Ch. 11 will be up a little while after this. If I decided to keep doing this story I might wait to put ch. 11 up until I write up another chapter. So tell me what you think.

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