Ch. 5

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Kendall's POV

It's 9am and I'm about to board my plane. With the time zone differences my plane should land at about noon Cali time and 3pm Florida time. Carlos and Alexa are staying while the rest of us leave.

After the plane ride

After we arrived James went home while Logan and I looked for our moms. "K3!!" I hear. I looked over and saw mom and Mama Henderson. I nudge Logan and pointed to our moms. We said hi, gave them hugs, and left. We decided to go out to lunch before picking up the girls.

At lunch

We sat down and ordered our drinks. We told them about the cruise including the proposal but we said not put anything online but they could text them congrats. After lunch it was time to go pick up Presley first since her school gets out a little before Al's. "Mom how has Al's been doing?" I asked. She sighed; I knew it couldn't mean good. "She's been good for the most part. She's made some friends Katie and Elizabeth; they also know you're her dad. But she's still having trouble with you being gone." She told me. I nodded. "Pres has been helping her a lot getting through it which helps." She said. "She also has a small asthma attack yesterday." She told me. "WHAT!" I said. "Ummm yeah it started out with her saying she missed you and how she doesn't understand how we do it," she replied calmly. I looked down "You too have a bond; she has gotten really close with you." Logan told me. "I'm glad she's made friends and that Pres has been helping. Was she the same when Logan left?" I asked Mama Henderson. "I would yes in some ways. I mean it was hard on all of us but Logi and Pres were really close, so when Logi ever call us him and she would talk and she'd be okay." Mama Henderson replied. We picked up Pres and she was really excited to see us since she didn't know either. Next was Al's turn.

Al's POV

School was just about to be done and we were working on homework. 5 minutes later the bell rang. We got our stuff and headed out. I got out and saw....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's Chapter 5!!! Hope you enjoy. 1 little thing Mama H just means Mama Henderson. I'm hoping no one was confused. I don't think it's in another chapter but just in case... Just something I needed to clear up otherwise it's going to bother me lol. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER!!!! :D :D

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