Ch. 1

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Al’s POV

So it’s been a few days since I left and let me tell you I miss Dad, the guys, and Alexa a ton. Grandma wants to go shopping today for school supplies. “Come on Ally time to go,” I hear Grandma yell from downstairs “Okay!” I yell getting my phone and purse. We walk out to the car and off we went. While we were driving I was looking out the window “You miss him a lot don’t you?” I hear her ask me bringing me back to reality “Yeah,” I said. “I know it’s hard Al’s but it does get a bit better as time goes on it was even hard for me and Grandpa when he first left on tour, but he would always call us whenever he could,” she told me. As we pulled up to the store my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D “<3 DADDY<3” I smiled and answered



“Hey baby girl!”

“Dad you’re on speaker with me and Grandma.”

“Hi Mom!”

“Hi K3”

“So what are my favorite girls doing today?”

“School shopping”

Convo done:

We continued talking for a little while until he had to go. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I quickly opened up twitter (A/N fake twitter name) “@AlsSchmidt He always calls at the right time <3 loved talking to him @HeffronDrive miss you so much daddy” I typed. I opened up another new tweet “@AlsSchmidt school shopping for the 5th grade with @ktothe5th : )!!!” I suddenly got a notification, it was Twitter “@HeffronDrive talked to @AlsSchmidt and @ktothe3th

Few days later

Kendall’s Pov

Tour is officially over, so Logan and I are going back to Cali before the cruise Carlos planned. When we got there my mom was waiting for without Ally “Where’s Al’s?” I asked hugging her “She’s helping your dad at work, just like you did.” She said smiling. Logan gave her a hug (awwwwww) “I was just about to go pick her up, she knew that you both were coming but we told her late tonight so doesn’t know you’re here.” She told us we put our luggage in the trunk and off we went to pick up my baby girl.

Al’s POV

5 o’clock

I was helping Grandpa at work while Grandma we to go run some errands. I usually come every day for a few hours unless I have plans. “Al’s Grandma’s on her way to come get you,” Grandpa said “Okay!” I replied. When she arrived she came in and talked to Grandpa for a little while. We started walking out and I saw 2 people by the car. I right away recognized as them as Dad and Logan. I stopped and my mouth dropped. I ran and jump into my dad’s arms and cried. After he calmed me down which didn’t take long, he put me down and I hugged Logan. We got in the car and headed home. I was in the back with Logan while Grandma drove and Dad was in the passenger seat. It was nice catching up with them even though they were here for 2 days. When we got home it was almost 6pm since we dropped off Logan at his house so we decided to wait for Grandpa so we could go out to eat with the Henderson’s.

Logan’s POV (surprise!!)

It was nice seeing that smile that Al’s has when she saw us. They dropped me off at home so I could see my family for a while until we were going to meet up with the Schmidt’s for dinner.


Dinner was going good, we were all catching up. Al’s and Presley were a little excited for school to start but still sad because summer went by too fast. They were especially excited because we’re home but again sad because we aren’t here for long.

Al’s POV

3 days later

Dad and Logan left yesterday and tomorrow is the first day of the 5th grade. I was nervous since I was new and most of the kids already know each other, but Dad said don’t be nervous because I’ll make friends with some of them soon. Before they left Dad and I took a picture in my “first day of school outfit” since I had one all ready and let me tell you it felt good doing that since I did them with Hannah (A/N if you don’t remember) before everything happened


“Ready…. 1… 2... 3… SMILE!” said Grandpa

“CHEESE!!!” Dad and I said

Grandpa took the picture with Dad’s phone. Dad went over to look at it. While he was looking at it I got tears in my eyes.  “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Grandma asked me,  I guess she noticed. Dad and Grandpa turned their heads to me.

“Nothing,” I answered

Dad came over to me, “Remember what I told you, you don’t have to hide anything from me.” He said.

“Ok… Before everything happened my mom would take a picture of my sister and I on the first day of school, and I haven’t been able to do it since…” I stopped not being able to go on anymore.

Kendall’s POV

Al’s stopped in the middle of telling us what’s wrong. I walked over to her and picked her up into a hug. “I miss them…. So much” (A/N I’m getting teary eyed typing this) she told us crying. I was comforting her, the best I could “I’m sorry.” She said. I put her down and looked right into her eyes “Hey… you have nothing to be sorry about. You went through something tragic at a young age it’s okay to miss them I’m not going to be mad. Okay?” I told her. She nodded “I love you” she said giving me a hug “I love you too” I told her.

Flashback over:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And here's CHAPTER 1 of the 2nd book to Adopted By Kendall Schmidt!!!!! Enjoy!!! More to come soon i already have 5 chapter written :D

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