Ch. 9

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Al's POV

When we left the family decided to come over for a while to hang out. We finally arrived and we all walked in. I went to the couch. "Tired," Dad asked, I nodded "Well I have 2 more surprises, plus Grandma and Grandpa have something for you as well," He said. I got up and Dad led me to the kitchen table where everybody was. There was a big brown box, another long and wide box, and a bag. I was at the head/end of the table, sitting on my knees with Dad next to me "Open the bag first," Grandma said. They couldn't come to the skating rink because of work, so they met us here. I grabbed the bag and pulled out the tissue paper. I pulled out some clothes, and guitar picks "Thank you, but what's with the guitar picks," I asked "That leads into this one," Dad said passing me the long and wide box. I looked up at him with a smile "Really," I asked, he shrugged "Open it and find out," he said taking out his phone. I ripped off the paper and saw a guitar with tissue paper surrounding it so It wouldn't break I guess. I smiled big and got off the chair and ran to dad who moved to the other end of the table. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU," I said excitedly to him and gave him a big hug. He set his phone down and lifted me up and hugged me back. After a few minutes of hugging and hearing phones clicking we both went back to the other end of the table; he sat me down in the chair. He kneeled down "This one is from someone special to you," He told me. I nodded confused. Dad stood up and helped me open the box. I looked in and saw I note.


Dear Ally,

 After you were here for a couple of weeks the city gave me the stuff in this box which has some personal items you might recognize. I wanted to wait for the right time to give this to you, so I called Kendall not too long after he adopted you, and he said he thinks I should give this to you now, so here you go. I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry if it gets hard for you to see this.

-Ms. Summer

I read out loud. I set the letter aside and looked in the box. I pulled out a medium sized box and set it on the table. Next I pulled out a teddy bear. I got eyes get watery but I blinked the tears away. I recognize it as my sister's bear. "That was Hannah's bear," I said as I set it next to the box. I pulled out the last thing, and it was a scrapbook. It said my name on the cover. I opened it and saw a picture of my sister and I posing together at the BTR concert. I got tears in my eye and I tried to blink them away but it wasn't really working. I flipped through the book; it was full of pictures that Hannah or my mom took of us or myself. "She wanted to become a photographer," I said in a whisper with tears coming out of my eyes. "Who did babygirl," Dad asked "Hannah, my sister did," I replied. "That's why she was making this, as practice, She wanted to become one. So I her practice model," I said closing the book. I grabbed the other box the first box that I pulled out and tried to open it. "Help," I asked looking at Dad. He cut the box flabs (hopefully you know what I mean) with the scissors. I opened the flabs and saw a camera. "This was Hannah's too," I said wiping my eyes with my sleeves. "Thanks for everything," I said trying to smile. 'You're welcome," Everyone was saying. "I'm going to go put this in my room" I said picking up the stuff I got from Ms. Summer gave me first. I got to my room and sat the stuff on my bed and just sobbed.

Kendall's POV

I saw Ally head upstairs and looked down. "Did I do the right thing to give it to get last," I asked to anyone. "Yeah son you did. It's just hard for her still. She probably thought there wasn't anything left beside the picture she had when you adopted her," my dad said. They all decided to leave to give Ally sometime and if she needed me it wasn't a bother. Ally hasn't come down for the other things she got. I gather it all up and headed up. "Al's," I called knocking on the door. No answer. I put my ear up to the door, and heard crying. I tried to open the door and it opened. I saw Ally lying down in bed crying. I put the things on her desk, and moved the stuff on her bed also on her desk, and lay down on the bed with her. "What's wrong," I asked? She turned and faced me. She mumbled something; "What," I asked "I miss them," she said sobbing. I pulled her to my chest, and rubbed her back calming her down.

After she's calms down

We were now lying down side by side, but with Al's on my chest. "I'm sorry" she says "Why," I asked? "Because I shouldn't have cried like that," she said. "I'm not mad at you. It's okay to cry, because to me that means you still care about them. I don't want you to forget about them. They were your family and they meant a lot to you. If you want you can think of us as your extended family," I explained to her. "I'm much as I miss them I'm glad you're the one who adopted me, and not some other one," She said to me. I kissed her check "Well I'm glad I made the right decision to adopt you," I told her. "Can you show me the scrapbook," I asked her. She nodded and got up to get it off her desk. I sat up and she handed it to me. She sat down next me leaning against me. We went through it together. When we got to a certain picture she would tell me a story from that day as much as she could remember. When we got to the end there was a pouch with a cd case inside. "Al's 6/7/10" it said. Al's got up and grabbed her laptop. She came back and sat down. She took the cd out and put it inside. When it was ready she did what she had to do to pull it up. She clicked out it twice. It started with who I'm guessing is Hannah on sitting on a computer chair.


Hey Ally I don't know how to start this but I know what Dad is doing to you. I already told mom. She's not mad because she knows your scared by the way you've been acting for the past couple months. She just upset you didn't tell her soon before it got out of control. I only know because a couple of days ago when I came back from Ashley's house (her friend) I saw Dad hitting you through the window hitting you. I didn't know what to do so I waited till he was done, then I entered. Later on that day when Mom got home he wasn't here. You were upstairs playing, so that's when I told mom. We decided that tomorrow she's going to go to work and I'm going to Ashley's again. On mom's lunch break she going to pick me up and we're going to go to the police station and tell them what's going on. Hopefully we catch him in the act so he can go away. Maybe even forever. If I show you this that means everything is okay.... If not I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't stop him when I saw him that day. I wish you could've told someone this was going on, but I understand if you were scared to tell someone. Just know that I love you and mom loves you too. Live your life big time xoxo.

I looked at Ally and she was crying silently. "This was recorded the day before he killed them," she said leaning against me. I moved laptop to her bedside table. "I'm soooo sorry Al's," I said wrapping her in a hug. She looked up at me "Can you stay in here tonight," she asked? I nodded "I'm going to go change so you can too, and then we can watch some movies tonight. How about that," I said to her "Sounds good," she said.

After a few movies

Al's just fell asleep. I laid her down, and turned off everything. I leaned over "I'll never let anything happen to you.. I promise," I said in her ear and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for not posting in a long time. I've been busy with this being my senior of high school, and I lost intrest for a bit, but I'm back with this story........ And with the new one in the making. :D Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update soon.

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