Ch. 11

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Still Kendall's POV

After the 5 minute drive to Al's school, we parked the car and headed to the main office. We entered the office and the principal was waiting.  The girls that Ally has told me about them called the mean bees were there even Elizabeth but Ally and Katie weren't there.

Mr. J: "Hello Mr. Schmidt,"

K: "Hello Mr. J, how are you doing"

Mr. J: "I'm doing very well I'm sorry we had to me under these situations,"

K: "I'm sorry as well before we talk do you mind if I see Ally,"

Mr. J: "Of course right this way," "We put her in the teacher's lounge along with the recess aids that were there down the hall once we made sure nothing serious happened knowing her condition. She didn't want Katie to leave her side until you got here."

K:  I nodded. "Oh I'm sorry this is my best friend Dustin if he can he'll take Ally from here,"

Mr. J: "Hello,"

D: "Hello,"

Mr. J: "That's fine, I'm once again sorry for this happening to your daughter."

"That's alright as long as she's okay I'm okay," I told him. We walk into the room. Al's looked up when we entered. She got up and gave me a hug. "Hey babygirl, you okay" I Asked her. She nodded. "I got to go talk with Mr. J and the maybe the other parents Dustin will take you outside," I told her "Do you have your stuff" I asked her. "Yeah the aids went to go get it for me," she said. "Alright Katie come on your moms here too," Mr. J told Katie as we all walked out. "Thanks Katie," Al's said. They did their handshake and Al's and Dbelt went outside while we walked into the office. Katie sat down with the others and I went into his office.

Dustin's POV

We walked outside and sat on the bench outside. "Sooooo care to tell me what happened shortcake," I asked. She giggled "Well 1 I love that nickname I can't help but either laugh or simply smile when you call me that but what happened was Katie and I were just kicking the soccer ball around and then the mean bees showed up and their queen Lindsay was at the rink for her birthday which is a day after mine and so she saw us yesterday. So she thought Logan was my dad and Katie and I laughed and I told her no she called my a liar and well who my now ex-bff Elizabeth told her Kendall was and so she called me brat saying I get what I want and attacked me. I tried telling her I'm not a brat because I do chores around the house I help Dad with everything, so as long as I help I get an allowance just like other kids my age. Finally someone got her off of me but I couldn't really breath throughout the whole thing. And now I'm going to have bruises on my sides and stomach." She told me. "I'm sorry shortcake I'm sure Kendall will make sure they get some sort of punishment because this didn't need to happen, no one deserves this," I said to her. "When I started school I didn't want anyone to know he was my dad because I was scared this would happened. I also sometimes wish he was never my dad but that thought only lasts about 2 minutes because I then think that without him I wouldn't be to see the state without him and I also wouldn't have an amazing family like this one," She said leaning into me. "I know its hard having him as a dad but I'm glad you like our amazing family," I said wrapping my arms around her. "I love you uncle Dbelt," "Ilove you too shortcake,". She dug through her bag and pulled out her math book and started working on it.

Al's POV

After about 15 minutes it was 1pm. During that 15 minutes I finished my homework and talked with Dustin about random things. Finally Dad and everyone else came out. Elizabeth, Lindsay, Valerie, and Nicole came up to me "We're sorry," they said. "It's fine," I said. Ever since the bullying during tour I try not to let anything get to me because I know that in the end everything will be fine. After they left Dad came over and sat next to us. "Bye Ally feel better," Katie said "Bye Katie thanks for being there today," I said back "Not a problem," She said smiling. We went to the car and got in. "Sooooo do you want to tell you what they said or do you want to tell me your side," Dad asked "You can go first," I replied. "Alright Mr. J asked the girls to tell them what happened Katie went first, She said that Lindsay went up to saying Logan was your dad and how Elizabeth was faking being friends with you guys and how Elizabeth corrected Lindsay and she called you a brat, Lindsay called Katie a liar, and so Mr. J told her not to interrupt. So Katie said that Lindsay started hitting you. She also said how you didn't fight back but you did try and block her hits," He explained to me. "That's what happened," I said "I didn't want to get into trouble by fighting back, so I just tried to block her shots and try to breath normally," I continued. "What happened next," Dustin asked. "Next was Lindsay turn and her story was all over the place, so Mr. J knew that she was lying and figured her friends would lie too, so Mr. J said that Lindsay, Elizabeth, Valerie, and Nicole can't come back the rest of the week," He said. I sighed in relief "What's wrong babygirl," Dad asked. "I was scared that you wouldn't believe me or Katie," I said softly. "I'll always believe you no matter what," He said "Thanks Dad,"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's ch. 11 hope you all enjoyed it and please check out my new story called "It All Started With a Christmas Wish" Thanks and please comment and tell my what you think and also feel free to comment ideas. Also sorry for any mistakes made. 1009 words!!!!!!! :D

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