Ch. 6

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Still Al’s POV

I got out and saw Dad. I pointed my dad out to Ms. Johnson and ran to him. He had his arms out and I jumped right into them. I started crying into his shoulder. He set me down I looked up “I thought you were coming home tomorrow,” I said. “I… we decided to come home early.” He told me “We?” I questioned him. “We” I heard. I looked behind Dad and saw Logan. “Uncle Logan!” I said excited to see him. We got in and headed to Grandma’s house. We were in the car Pres, Logan, and Mama Henderson were coming home with us since we’re going to have dinner together. We just got home and Logan, Pres, Dad, and I went to the living room to talk since Pres and I had no homework while Grandma and Mama Henderson went to start dinner. Dad lifted me onto his lap. I squealed and cuddled up into his chest. Logan and Pres were sitting hext to each other talking. Dad turned me around I smiled. “How are you babygirl?” he asked me. “Ehh good, but I’m better now that you’re home,” I said. He gave me another hug “I missed you Dad,” I told him after the hug. “I missed you to,” he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. Dad asked on how I was doing in school which got Logan and Pres attention. I told them how school was going including Katie and Liz. “You know Mama Henderson told us about yesterday,” he said.

Kendall’s POV

Al’s put her head on my chest and nodded. “I just wish you didn’t have to leave so much,” she said. She pulled back. “I know but I missed you just as much as you missed me. She smiled. When Dad, Papa Henderson, and Kevin came home we had dinner and after we went to the living room to talk for a while. It got late so the Henderson’s left while Kevin, Al’s, and I stayed the night. Al’s and I went up to my room. Al’s went to the bathroom to change and I quickly changed in the room. Al’s knocked “Can I come in?” I heard her asked through the door. I went and opened it. We decided to watch a movie downstairs so went and grabbed blankets and a pillow in case we fell asleep. By the end Al’s was asleep on the smaller couch in a weird was so I got up and lied her down. “Dad,” she whispered “Shhh go back to sleep,” I whispered. She fell back to sleep. I went back to the longer couch and went to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's chapter 6 i hope you enjoyed it!!! Sorry i haven't updated in a while i had finals last week and was busy during the weekend, and i haven't had much time to write but i'll be writing more hopefully this weekend. :D comment, vote, please i'll take some ideas too ;)

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