1; camping

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"yn, what's the capital of mexico?"
"mexico-city, sir"
"good job"
what is this? kindergarten?
i chuckled as i continued writing my essay for my other teacher who would kill me if she won't get it today.

i, kim yn was the happiest girl you've had ever seen. i had everything, everything went the way i wanted it to go. i had the perfect friends, perfect family until one day..
everything changed in one day

'he' was my worst nightmare, even in daylight. following me like he was obsessed with me. and i? i couldn't say anything.. why? well, it all started on this day, two years ago


2 years ago

"yn, don't forget your toothbrush"
"no mom, it's in my bag"
"u sure?"
i jumped on my bed not even checking if it was really in my bag. but whatever, i needed to call my bestfriend to see if she was on her way to pick me up

"i'm on my way"
"aight, then i'll wait downstairs for you"
i hung up and took my heavy suitcase and dragged it down the stairs when suddenly my little brother showed up next to me making me almost fall down
"need help sis?"
"jeez jongseob! you scared me"
"no i don't need help, i can handle it"
"for how long will you stay there?"
he asked as i plopped myself on the couch next to him
"five days"
"and your suitcase is that heavy?!"
"well, you know me"
"do you know that mom and dad are going to div-"
"yn! jessi is here"
i quickly gave jongseob a kiss on his forehead and stood up, taking my suitcase with me. my father and mother both stood at the frontdoor, waving at jessi who got out of her car to open the backdoor.
"becareful okay"
i nodded as i both gave my parents a hug and ran to her not caring if i would fall with my heavy suitcase. i dropped my suitcase and hugged her, almost choking her.
"i missed you"
"you too bih, ready?"
i waved to my parents and jongseob while jessi did my suitcase in the car.

"wooeehooeee.. school trip!"
"iiii kknnooww rriigghhtt"
"did you bleach your hair yn?!"
"yes, yes i did?"
i answered as i let my hair loose, letting the wind blow through my blond-ish hair. i look over to jessi who was putting her sunglasses up.
"let's go yn!"
"yes jes!"
after driving for about three hours we arrived at our destination, the biggest camp in town and our school is camping there. i got out of the car and removed my sunglasses as the sun hit me right in the eyes, making me squint them. jessi came standing next to me as she linked our arms. we started walking when our biology teacher came to us and handed us a file and keys.
"this your room and informations are in that file. don't sleep late girls"
we nodded and walked back to the car to take our stuff when we bumped into some guys.

"jessi, mah girl"
"hey babe"
babe? they did their handshake and hugged at the end when she pulled my arm making them look at me.
"meet yn.. yn, keeho.. keeho, yn"
"sup yn. meet my friends. intak, theo and where is he.. ah there, that's jiung"
i look at the direction his finger was pointing to, it was a not so tall boy wearing ripped jeans and a white hoodie. i gulped as he walked up to us and hugged jessi making her blush. i chuckled at her sight when keeho fake coughed
"jiung meet yn"
damn.. his voice
"we'll meet later okay, i'll text you jes"
she waves at them as my eyes were glued on jiung's figure who was walking away.

"so, i see you and jiung"
"nah, we just friends yn"
"bro you were blushing!"
"shut up, your hands were trembling when he said 'hey', duh"
"that's not true!"
i jumped on her back and went to her car.


"so cozyyy!"
i said as i melt on my bed. jessi and i share a room with another girl from our class.
"keeho texted. he said that he wants to meet up with us"
i hummed as he jumped next to me.
"and jiung's going to be there"
"he's all yours"
"i'm with keeho"
i open my eyes as i look at her.
she hid her face in my pillow and groaned
"he asked me two weeks ago yn"
"and you didn't- damn. he is popular at school heh?"
"uhuh, come with me please!"
"nah, i don't feel like going"
"just go jes"
"isn't it like.. it's like eleven now-"
"don't worry, i'm not afraid" (one of jimin's iconic line)
"but hwasa isn't here yet"
"don't worry about me. hwasa is with her boyfriend and won't be back till two in the morning. so go!"
"fine, but wait for me okay!"
"i will.. maybe"
she hugs me and took her jacket and left the room. i shook my head and got off my bed and sat down next to my suitcase, crossing my legs together. what will i wear to bed?

i took out some shorts and a oversized tshirt i got from my dad when he went overseas for work. i opened my little bag to take out my toothbrush but it wasn't in there. i groaned, thinking back to what my mother was reminding me. what do i do now?

i left my room and went to the little house where all the teacher were sleeping in. i knocked on the door. getting no response even after knocking for about ten times. i rolled my eyes and walk back to my room when the bushes next to my room started moving.
"hi yn"
a boy got out of the bushes as he dusted his clothes
"i swear to god-"
"theo right?"
"yup, so what's up?"
"forgot my toothbrush"
"i have a spare one"
"follow me"

i was sitting on a chair as he was looking for the toothbrush in his bag.
"aren't you suppose to be with keeho and your friends?"
"i don't feel like going"
"here, i found it"
he handed me a toothbrush and smiled. i thanked him and was about to leave his room when he called my name, making me turn around
"wanna watch a movie?"
"i don't see no tv"
"i downloaded a movie on my laptop"
i sure can do him a favor since he gave me a toothbrush
"sure, be right back"

after wearing my clothes, i walked to his room. he opened the door letting me in when i saw his laptop on the ground surrounded by cans of beer.
"do you drink beer?"
i sat down on the ground, pulling the blanket over my exposed legs. he turned off the lights and sat down next to me while opening a can and handing it to me.

one hour into the movie and drinking about ten cans, i started feeling dizzy. shit, i forgot i'm a lightweight
"yn, you okay?"
"i think"
"don't drink if you're going-"
i crashed my lips on his, slipping my tongue in his mouth as i removed the blanket and sat on his lap. grinding myself on him as his hands were on my waist, i moaned into the kiss making him stand up. my legs around his waist as he threw me on his bed, pulling my body closer to his. kisses getting rougher with the minutes. he removed my shirt, exposing my bare chest. he breaks the kiss as he removed his own shirt and shorts making me gulp at his length that was pocking out.
"don't look so shocked darling"


turning around as the sunlight shines right into my eyes, i look around to see myself in a unfamiliar room. i jumped, sitting straight when i saw someone laying next to me. i look under the cover to see myself naked. i gasped and got off the bed to see theo turning around, slowly opening his eyes.
"th- theo! wha- what did we d- do?"
i quickly wore my clothes and left his room. i opened my room its door and closed it, making sure to lock it. i leaned on it, sinking down to my knees after thinking back to what i did with theo. suddenly i can see all the scenes in my head and i hear all the moaning sounds again and again in a loop.
"i had sex with him"
were the only words that came out of my mouth.


end of this chapter

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