3; freak

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dear yn,

your father and i decided to get a divorce. it's not your fault honey, don't blame yourself. it's just that your father found another wife. jongseob already knew that there was a problem between your father and i so we decided to tell him. we were so afraid to tell you since you were our firstborn and didn't know how you would react if you came to know. we kept it a secret for two months. so we decided to get a real divorce when you would go camping. your father and i decided to each keep one child. he will keep jongseob and i will keep you. i hope you won't feel hurt honey. we both love u so much. i am now in australia for work so you'll have to stay home for three days. i love you so so much.

love, mom

i wiped my tears as i fold the letter and did it back in the envelope. i lost my little brother. how could she make such a decision when i was not even present at this important thing?! she just made her decision to just choose me. what kind of mother is she? so she'll just abandon her son with her ex husband who has another wife? what if the new wife doesn't like him?

"yn! i miss you"
tears are rolling down just from hearing his voice.
"where are you?"
"with dad, in brazil"
"bro, what are you doing there? why did he bring you there?"
"his new wife is pregnant and she wanted her child-"

"to be born in brazil? the fuck"
"how are you yn?"
"i'm fine, did you-"
suddenly i heard a beeping sound that won't stop from my phone.
"jongseob can i call you later? i'll really call you later!"
"ok sis"
i hung up and groaned in annoyance. i tried to made the loud sound from my phone stop but it won't work. turning the phone off won't work either. suddenly it stopped and i got a message which i opened.


can i know who you were talking to?

stop with that sound
it's not nice
and fyi it was my little brother

well, fyi don't call people who aren't important

what does he mean 'who aren't important'? my brother is more important than he is.


you dunno what is happening
so don't judge

i don't judge princess
see you monday

i rolled my eyes at his text and stood up to go to my room. opening my bedroom door, i saw a figure sitting on my bed with its back against the wall.
"hey yn"
"what are you doing here?!"
"i missed you"
"you're such a freak theo. get out!"
he quickly stood up and walked up to me when he held me by my shoulders, shaking me lightly as he spoke
"don't say such words, pretty. be nice while i am nice too. don't make me mad"
"leave me alone!"
"don't let me make your moans viral princess"
"you are so weird! let.. me.. go"
i said as i tried to remove his hands from my body. but as usual he was still stronger than me but i didn't care.
"leave me alone or i'm calling the cops!"
"the cops won't do anything with me"
i managed to bite his arm and pushed him with all my might to the ground. he fell on the ground holding his arm where i've bit him.
"why are doing this?!"
"because you're mine!"
i ran out of my room and left the house. i ran like there was no tomorrow. the only thoughts in my head were
'i need to go to the police'
'i am not safe'
'where's everyone?'


"with what can i help you miss-"
"take it easy miss. here have some water"
i took a sip of the water and took a deep breath.

"sir, there's this freak in my house and he said that he'll me"
"expose you in what?"
"i know this sounds disgusted but sir, i was drunk and didn't know what i was doing. so we kinda.. went to far. and he made a video where were we.. were we doing..it"

woaw okay, can i take his info? here.. write his name and his info"
i nodded and took his pen when i remembered that i know nothing about him.. only his name. but fuck it, i'll write that he goes to the same school with me.


end of this chapter

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