11; movie

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it was friday and i wanted to make sure theo was coming so now im standing at the school's gate. i stood on my toes and saw theo walking, focused on his phone.
he looks at me when i waved my hand, gesturing him to come here. he walked to me and did his phone in his pocket. he  cocked me an eyebrow and fake coughed
"what do u want?"
"hey, dont talk to me like that!"
"whats wrong yn?"
"ur still watching the movie w me right?"
"mov- oh shit.. yea sure"
"good, 7.30pm okay"
"yea sure. gotta go"
"oh ok.. see you later"
he did his phone at his ear and ran away. is something wrong?

"are you wearing a dress?!"
"omfg jongseob dont scare me like that"
"lmfao. u look pretty"
"thank you. going to the movies tonight"
"aww with who?"
"his name is theo"
"theo? ive heard his name before"
"he's very good-looking"
"theo as in tae-"
"oh man holy shit! its already 7! gotta leave bro. see u at later"
i gave jongseob a forehead kiss and ran down the stairs to see my mom sitting on the couch w a bucket of ice cream. hm.. depressed much mom

i took an uber that brought me to the cinema. i got off the car and straighted my dress. im not a fan of dresses tho..
i look around and went inside. it was pretty crowded so it was hard for me to find theo. i look at the time at my phone and saw that it was already 7.45. the movie starts at 8 so i need to find him in fifteen minutes.

i look at my right and saw theo standing. his hair combed all pretty. his white tshirt tucked into his ripped jeans and leather jacket on top of it. he looked perfect.
"hey yn"
"hi, woaw ur early"
"yes, i came with my-"
"baby, the popcorn line is so- oh who is this?"
my heart almost stopped. in front of me was a girl who wore a short dress that came to her knees. she had dark brown hair and her face was plastered w make-up. she eyed me from head to toes as she linked arms w theo. blood boiling i made eye contact w her. my eyes never leaving hers, i thought of almost jumping on top of her to rip her throat out.

"who is this babe?"
"oh.. uh this is yn. a friend"
a friend.
"thats yn? she was the one that texted you last week to ask if you could help her w her homework? that yn? but u said no cause we went on a date at that hill w the little beach"
he brought her to that little beach.
"yes dari"
"oh nice to meet yn. im cha dari"
"im yn"
she smiled at me and oh boi.. the thought of just jumping on her and ripping her throat out still lingers inside of me.
"she's my girlfriend yn"
"oh.. i see"
"baby, u need to stay here w yn while i buy the popcorn okay"
"yes sure booh"
booh? pff.

there was a silence between me and dari. this bitch couldnt stop tapping with her five inch heel. i was getting pretty annoyed and decided to say something when she suddenly spoke
"oh, here r the tickets. no wonder it made me think why taeyang bought three tickets. but it was for you"
"oh thank you"
"whats the movie name again. the-"
"the misfits"
"yea that. mike d'angelo is in it"
"i know"
oml just let me punch her.
"look taeyang is here"

the movie seemed fun but i couldn't focus on it cause dari was sitting next to me. she was talking so so much. she even went on her mf phone. i mean why would you do that in the cinema?! is she an alien or something that she doesnt know the rules of the cinema? what made me so fucking mad, was when she wanted to make out w theo but he rejected her cause he wanted to watch the movie, yk what this little puta did?!
she started making bitchass noises. like she made sounds that were so fucking irritating and annoying. ugh what a pain in the ass.

we all then decided to say goodbye. dari said that her friend is picking her up. theo and dari kissed.right.in.front.of.me.
i was mad af. like idk how ya'll would feel if ur crush would kiss someone right in front of u. but i was mad, like hella mad. i even felt tears forming into my eyes.

did theo forget everything he did to me? did he forget our first kiss. he said we had sex.. did he forget abt that too? did he forget that he was once obsessed w me? that he was stalking me? that he hacked into my phone? did he forget all those things? that made me feel something for him.

and yes! now i know what i want.
i want choi taeyang
i will do everything just to get this boy
i will move everyone or everything or even kill if something or someone is in my way.
i want theo
im obsessed w him


end of this chapter

question: do ya'll want me to post two more chapters today? or tomorrow?

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