8; parking lot

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walking to school while bopping my head to the song, i felt someone tapping my shoulder. i turned around to be greeted by a smiling theo who wore a red jacket.
"hey yn"
"hey theo, wanna walk together?"
"uh.. sure"
i furrowed my eyebrows as he started walking with me next to him.
"so how's ur brother?"
"good. he's prolly asleep right now"
"i heard my mom came two days ago"
"yea, she got pregnant"
"you'll get a baby brother or sis-"
"it's a girl"
i pressed my lips again and hummed in response. he turned his head and showed me his smile.
"i'm sorry i killed jiung"
"shit.. i totally forgot he died"
"he's not important to u anymore i see"
"pff.. he was never"
i awkwardly laugh and rolled my eyes. theo chuckled and linked our arms. the sudden action made me froze and widened my eyes.
"let's forgot about him princess. we're almost at school"


classes were boring until that one class that  jiung, jessi and i used together. i gulped as i opened the door and felt all eyes on me. i bit my lip and walked to my seat when one of the girls stood in front of me, folding her arms.
"you killed him"
"don't say stupid things yuna"
i walked away making her scoff and roll her eyes. i felt afraid inside but i didn't care much. ik he didn't deserve to die but u can't change the past. it already happened. he's dead

fifteen minutes later the door opened again as the teacher came inside w candles in his hands. he did them on his desk and looks at us w almost tears in his eyes. wtf? is he going to cry? i shook my head and watched the teacher as he wore his jacket and fake coughed.
"well boys and girls.. you all maybe already know but.. i will say.. it again.. jiung.. choi jiung passed away three days ago.. he was on his way to the store.. when he was suddenly stabbed by someone w a knife.. the murderer is unknown but the police are still investigating. i hope they find him or her soon"
the teacher lowered his head when all the students turned their head to me. i rolled my eyes and played w the hem of my shirt. heart beaten fast i silently fake coughed and opened my bag to take my phone out. i texted theo to ask him what class he's having now. he texted me back w the answer that he's free now and that he's busy w a sience project. i texted a 'okay' and did it back into my bag. i wanted to meet him so bad..

"hi murderer"
i look up and saw jessi w some of her 'friends' standing in front of me.
"leave me alone"
"we all know you killed him"
"i didnt okay.. so stfu and leave me alone"
"is there a problem jessi?"
"oh no sir.. just visiting a friend"
she answered and eyed me from head to toes. she walked away making me let out a sigh


as the last bell rang for us to go home, i ran outside and waited at the parking lot for theo to show up. fifteen minutes and there was still no sign of him. did he forget? i was abt to take my phone out of my bag when i saw him walking up to me.
"hey, sorry im late"
"its okay"
"why did u wanna meet?"
i furrowed my eyebrows at the way he was asking the question. like he was annoyed and didnt wanna meet me at all.
"hey, u okay?"
"why'd u wanna meet yn?"
"oh uh-"
"so there's nothing?"
"not re-"
"im busy yn. ill text u later"
w saying that, he walked away, leaving me all alone. i shook my head, trying to process what was happening rn. and what happened to theo?


end of chapter
ill update more

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