1 - flourish and blotts

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EVERY morning has been the same since I started working full-time at Flourish and Blotts. But I guess a sense of normalcy and predictability is kind of nice after everything that went down a year ago. 

A couple months ago was a year since the Battle of Hogwarts, that night that still haunts my dreams some nights. So many people died. Even more injured. But I made it through alive, with nothing but emotional scars to show for it. 

I shake off the dark thoughts of the past, threatening to overcome my mind and instead focus on today. It's the beginning of July and beautifully sunny as I step outside of my London walk-up. I pull out my wand, turn on the spot and apparate to Diagon Alley, specifically right in front of Rustic Refreshments, the same coffee shop I go to every morning. 

Like I said, every morning is the same. Except this morning, as I leave the café, gripping my iced latte, I run straight into a wall of muscle. The plastic cup filled with my coffee gets crushed between us, spilling the liquid all over the front of my shirt. 

"Merlin, I'm so sorry." a deep voice says. He's so tall, I don't see his face until I pull away slightly and look up. Looking down at me with an apologetic look on his face, is a red-headed man, with brown eyes that I could easily lose myself in. His jawline is pronounced and he has broad shoulders and passed on the way it felt when I ran into him, a very defined muscular chest as well. I would recognize him anywhere. The famous George Weasley. At least I think it's George. He could just as easily be Fred.

"It's fine." I assure him, once I've regained my composure from taking in all his beauty. I pull my wand out of my back pocket, give it a wave and my shirt immediately dries itself. But since my cup is cracked, there's no hope of refilling it. 

"At least let me buy you another one." He says. 

"I appreciate the offer but I should probably get going. If not, I'll be late for work." I tell him then immediately mentally scold myself for rejecting his offer. 

What kind of girl in their right mind rejects George Weasley's offer to buy them a coffee? A stupid one. Or maybe just one who has seen to much pain and suffering and doesn't want to let herself get close to someone again only to lose them. 

No. It was just an offer to buy me another coffee that he spilled, not a marriage proposal. I hate how much I overthink things.

"Well, maybe I'll see you around." He smiles, and I can't tell if there's a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

I nod, giving him a small smile of my own. "Maybe."


"THANK you for shopping at Flourish and Blotts, come again soon!" I call out as the latest shopper leaves the store. 

I turn back to the notebook laid out in front of me with the weekly schedule for the store, marking in the interviews for a new assistant. With the summer here, it means students from Hogwarts will be spending a lot of their free time hanging out in Diagon Alley. And that means, more customers. Usually the teenagers prefer other shops over Flourish and Blotts which just reminds them of school, but there are a few who actually enjoy reading outside of class time. 

Besides, with it only being Mr. Evergreen (the manager) and me (the assistant manager) working at the store, we have enough money in the budget to afford to pay a part-time assistant. I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of applications we've received by owl post so far. 

The bell on the front door rings, signalling me to the arrival of a new customer. I look up from my notebook and am greeted by the sight of none other than George Weasley and in his hand is an iced latte. 

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