12 - jealousy

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"YOU'RE here early." I note once Oliver leaves. 

"Only by a minute. Mum is making a big dinner, so I figured the sooner we leave the better. I don't want to be late."

"Well, let me just grab my things and lock up, then we can go."

He nods silently, waiting by the door as I gather my things. Once I have my duffel bag in hand, we head outside so I can lock up the store. 

"What did Oliver want?" George asks, finally breaking the silence between us as he holds out his arm for me.

I grab hold of his forearm. "He just asked me if I wanted to hang out."

Instead of saying anything else, George pulls his wand out, turns on his heel and apparates us away from Diagon Alley. Then we're landing in a field of tall grass and I can see a tall dilapidated house in the distance. 

"Is it a date?" he asks as we start to walk through the field towards the house. 

"Does it matter?"

He shrugs. "Just curious, since you said you weren't into the whole dating thing when we first met."

"Well, I've decided to give it a shot."

"With Oliver?" 

"Yeah. Do you have a problem with that?" I ask, starting to get annoyed with his interrogation. 

"Not really. I just figured if you were ready to date, you would've given me more of a heads-up."

Is he jealous? No. His tone is too non-chalant to be jealous.

We've made it to the front door now but stop to finish our conversation. "Well, I'm telling you now. Besides, I don't even have to tell you. You're not my boyfriend, George." Something you've made abundantly clear, I add to myself silently. 

I used to want him to be able to read minds so he knew exactly what I wanted from him, but now I'm thankful he can't. 

"Right." He nods, before pushing open the front door and leading me inside.


George's POV

"IT'S about damn time!" Fred calls from the kitchen table as soon as he sees us. "I was starting to think the two of you bailed." 

Fred's comment immediately catches everyone's attention and soon Mum is rushing towards me, pulling me in for a tight hug. Once she pulls away, I introduce her to y/n. 

"Mum, this is my friend, y/n." I say. Friend. I fucking hate using that word to refer to her. Because friends don't know the way she tastes. Friends don't know the little noises she makes right before she comes. 

But most of all, friends don't make me feel the way she does. Everytime I'm with her, I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. Sometimes it's so loud, I'm scared she hears it. And everytime I'm not with her, she consumes all of my thoughts, invading my mind like an imperius curse.

I wish I was introducing her to my family as my girlfriend because that's all I wanted for the past week. I want her to be my girlfriend. To be able to call her mine. Because the truth is, I'm falling for her, hard and fast. 

I was even contemplating asking her out on a real date this weekend, but after seeing her with Oliver, agreeing to go out with him, that basically gives me my answer to my unasked question. It pisses me off but there's nothing I can really do about it. 

"Oh, y/n. You work at Flourish and Blotts, don't you?" she smiles. 

"That's me." She smiles. "It's great to see you again Mrs. Weasley."

She waves y/n off. "Oh please, call me Molly. Now, Charlie won't be here until tomorrow morning, so I've decided to give the two of you his old room. And then when he gets here, we'll figure out something else. Everyone else is in the living room if you want to go join them, supper should be ready soon."

Charlie's room. That means sharing a bed. Sure, we've shared a bed before while having sex, but never after. One of us always leaves to head home. We never stay together the whole night.

But tonight we will be and the prospect is nerve-wracking and enticing at the same time. 

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