16 - date night

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I'M putting in my earrings, the final touch to my date outfit, when there's a knock on the door. It's been three days since my fight with George, and I'm still holding out hope in my heart that it's him at the door. But my head knows that it's Oliver, picking me up for our date tonight. 

So when I open the door, I'm surprised to find a tall redhead standing on my front step. Except it's not the redhead I want to see, it's his twin brother. 

"Fred? What are you doing here?" I ask, stepping to the side so he can come inside. But he doesn't make a move to enter, instead he just stays on the step. 

He holds up a bag to show me. "I can't stay long, George doesn't know I'm here. But you left this at The Burrow when you left after your fight." He says, passing it over to me.

I take it and set it down at my fight. "Why doesn't George know you're here?"

"I figured it would be best not to tell him, he might get the wrong idea with everything that was said between the two of you. He just thinks I've gone to the shop to get some more firewhiskey. He drank the only bottle we had in the house. Anyways, that's it." He says, before turning around. 

I'm about to close the door when he turns back to face me again, letting out a sigh as he runs his hand through his hair. "Y/N, he feels really bad about what he said. And he's been absolutely miserable without you around. He hasn't worked in days. I've been running the shop entirely by myself. Ron helps out when he can but he's due to start his auror job soon."

I let out a sigh of my own, gripping the door as I stare at him. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because he's my brother and I want him to be happy. And he was the happiest he's been since the war when he was with you. I know you're mad at him, but please just think about coming by to talk to him and hopefully forgive him." Fred says.

I know Fred is right. That I should go and talk to George. I know I should forgive him for what he said. It's just one word. A hurtful word, but that doesn't bother me as much as the fact that it was him who used it.

And he was the one who suggested our whole arrangement but then turns around and calls me a slight the moment I show interest in another guy. Is he jealous cause he doesn't like the idea of me with another guy since we're sleeping together? Or is he jealous cause he likes me and that's why he doesn't want me with another guy. Either way, I've come to the conclusion that he was jealous. 

He could have easily just told me that he didn't like the idea of me with someone else because I had feelings for me (if that's even the case) instead of just calling me a slut.

"I'll think about it." I tell Fred, even though I've been doing nothing but thinking about it for the past few days. "For now though, I have to finish getting ready because my date will be here soon."


NOT long after Fred left, Oliver came to pick me up for our date. We ended up going to a restaurant in the French countryside, a very nice restaurant. One thing I love about apparition is that as long as I have my wand, I'll never have to pay for another plane ticket. 

We spend the whole evening chatting and getting to know one another as we eat, until Oliver apparates us back to my front door. 

"Thank you for dinner." I tell Oliver as I move to unlock my front door. "Do you want to come in?" I ask.

"I would but I should probably head home. Coach wants us at practice early tomorrow morning since we have our biggest game so far this season on Saturday. You're coming, right?"

I nod. I already arranged for the time off for Saturday and Sunday again, just so I could get a camp site for the game. "I'll be there." I say. "Good night." I add, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. 

He hugs me back before pulling away slightly so our mouths are mere inches away from one another. Then he's kissing me, his lips pressing against mine. I kiss him back, but it doesn't feel right. There's no spark, no passion. At least not on my end. Not like how it feels with George. I pull away. 

"Are you okay?" Oliver asks. 

"Um...It's just..."

"You don't like me like that do you?"

I feel bad but it's the truth. "Yeah. I'm so sorry Oliver. You're an amazing guy, but things in my romantic life are kind of complicated right now."

He nods. "With George, right?"

My eyes widen. "How did you know that?"

"I saw the way he looked at you when I was leaving the shop on Friday."

I snort. "Well, the last time I saw him, he was most definitely not looking at me with a smile."

"Look, y/n, I have no idea what kind of complicated stuff is going on between you and George. But I'm guessing you've hit a bump in the road, so let me just say this. I played on the Gryffindor Quidditch team with him for 4 years, he's a good guy and I'm sure he deserves a second chance. And in all my years of knowing him, I've never seen him look at a girl in the way he looked at you, that brief moment at Flourish and Blotts."

"Thanks Oliver." I say. 

"No problem." He smiles. "You're still coming to my match on Saturday though, right? As friends of course."

"I'll be there. Don't worry." 

"Great! Good luck with George."

"Thanks." I smile, finally heading inside for the night.

As I lay in bed, I contemplate what both Oliver and Fred have said to me today, and both of them are pointing me in the direction of talking to George. My only fear is that as soon as I get close to him, I won't be able to control my hormones and will just fall back into bed with him and that will only take me back to the sex that got me into this mess in the first place. 

I just need a few more days apart from him to truly think things over and clear my head.


A/N: This book is now at #2 in the Fanfiction genre out of 1.2M stories!!! That's so crazy! Thank you all so much. I have no idea what I did to deserve you all. I love you xoxo

I've also decided that my next fanfic will likely be Sirius in the Marauders Era! Now I'm just trying to figure out which trope to do (I love tropes, don't come for me)

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