15 - charlie weasley

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I'M introduced to Charlie as soon as he gets to The Burrow the following morning. Like every other Weasley sibling, Charlie is just as attractive with his muscled arms and tall frame. His skin is slightly more tanned than that of his brothers and sister, likely due to all his time spent outside for his job, leaving him also heavily freckled. 

It's rare for me to have a full afternoon off on such a nice day, so I use it to my advantage when George goes to take a shower, making my way out to the backyard with my book in hand since everyone else is occupied.

Ron, Hermione and Harry were discussing their Ministry jobs they're due to start soon while Fred and Ginny play a game of Wizard's chess.

Once I'm outside, I see Charlie sitting under the tree, his knees bent with a book placed on them. "Hey." I say, taking a seat next to him. 

He glances up and smiles at me. "Hey. What are you reading?"

I hold up the book to show him. "The Fury. It's the third book in the Vampire Diaries series. They're muggle books so I'm not sure if you would have heard of them."

"I actually read mostly muggle books." He says a little sheepishly. "I've never met another wizard who does though."

"I'm muggle-born so it's pretty easy for me to get my hands on them. Most people I know just read books written by witches and wizards."

"Yeah, I don't know why more people don't read muggle books though. Especially the fantasy ones. It's interesting to see their outlook and views on a world they don't even think exists."

"Right? What they consider fantasy, is like realistic fiction for us." I laugh. 

"Well, I don't know about entirely realistic." Charlie chuckles. "I don't know about you, but I've never heard of a muggle being in a love triangle with two vampires before."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "So you've read this series then?"

He nods. "Oh yeah. The third is definitely my favourite. It's wild."

I slap him playfully on the shoulder. "No spoilers!" I warn but I'm giggling as we fall into a comfortable conversation about all of our favourite books.


George's POV

I walk outside after my shower to see y/n sitting under the tree laughing with Charlie, a bright smile lighting up her face. It seems they're so engrossed in their conversation that they've become unaware of the storm clouds gathering overhead.

The sight of her laughing with my brother causes a twinge deep within me, igniting my jealousy. I was just comforting her last night as she fell asleep after her nightmare, and now here she is flirting with my older brother. I get it though. She works at a bookshop, she's mature and responsible, just like Charlie. It's only natural they would get along. I, on the other hand, own a joke shop and do pranks for a living. Of course, she would never fancy me when there are other guys better than me. 

That thought makes me mad. Mad at myself for letting my emotions get the better of me. Mad at her for telling me she wasn't interested in dating and then two weeks later agreeing to a date with Oliver and flirting with my brother. So maybe she didn't have an aversion to dating this whole time. Maybe she just didn't want to date me. All she wanted was sex. 

Maybe this is karma for all those years at Hogwarts that I spent having one-night stands and stringing girls along. It feels like my emotions are in turmoil, torn between jealousy and anger. The weather seems to mimic me as the sky opens up and rain pours down.

Finally, Charlie and y/n break their conversation. Charlie runs inside but y/n catches me watching them and walks over. She's already drenched and so am I, but it doesn't bother me. 

"Are you okay?" she asks, taking in my expression as she stands in front of me.

A dam breaks inside of me, and I let it all out. "I don't know, should I be? Because I thought the two of us were having fun together but now you're off making plans for dates with Oliver and flirting with my brother. You're gonna start giving people ideas."

She crosses her arms over her chest and stares at me. "And what idea is that?" She challenges. 

That's the part she picks up on? She doesn't even deny flirting with my brother and now my anger is seeping out of me. "That you're some kind of slut." I accuse harshly.

I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. But I don't have the power to turn back time and take them back. And before I can apologize, her palm is coming straight at my face, slapping me hard. 

The harsh sting shoots through my skin, but it's nothing I'm not used to. I grew up with five brothers and one very feisty sister. I've taken my fair share of punches and slaps, but it hurts even more than it normally would when it comes from her.

Her eyes are blazing. "Well, you didn't seem to mind me being such a slut when I was sucking your dick last night!" She shouts. Then she spins around and she's gone. 

Gone. She left. All because I couldn't keep my fucking mouth shut and said something that wasn't even true. I was just angry and jealous and I have no fucking idea how to handle all these feelings. I've never felt like this for someone before. 

"Fuck!" I yell, slamming my fist against the trunk of the tree. I punch it again and again until my knuckles are busted and bleeding, the blood mixing with the rain as it slides down my fingers.

I lean against the tree, sliding down along the trunk until I'm sitting on the muddy grass and then I burrow my head into my hands and let out a sob.


A/N: I personally am not a huge fan of the word 'slut' just because it brings up uncomfortable memories, but I probably call myself a whore in my head at least five times a day lol. 

Slut shaming is never okay and I'm sure we've all been on the receiving end of it at some point in our lives for one reason or another. Just remember that people say those things out of jealousy or it's just men trying to exert "superiority". You don't need those kind of people in your life. You're a hot ass bitch and you can go and get as many guys, girls, or non-binary babies that you want. 

P.S. I'm still mad they didn't put Charlie in the movies.

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