4 - shopping day

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"YOU look chipper this morning." Mr. Evergreen greets me when I enter Flourish and Blotts Saturday morning. 

I obviously know why that is, but my boss definitely does not to know what I was up to for most of last night. Thankfully, he doesn't wait for me to say anything before he continues. 

"Hopefully that good mood lasts throughout the day after all the shoppers are done for the day." He says before ambling up the staircase to his office.

Right. Today is the first Saturday of summer vacation which means Diagon Alley is going to be just as packed with shoppers today as it is the week before students go back to Hogwarts. 

Even though our busiest time is right before Hogwarts is back in session when everyone is getting their new school books, today also happens to be a pretty busy day. 

Parents will come in looking for cookbooks, wanting to try out new barbecue recipes. Some kids will want books that they can read for pleasure, while others will be looking for books about Quidditch or various other hobbies they can practice over the summer months.

Just as I suspected there's a steady flow of customers streaming in and out of the store all morning. Mr. Evergreen stays locked in his office the whole time, leaving me to take care of all the customers by myself. He's a great man and great boss, but sometimes it gets frustrating when all he does is sit in his office balancing books instead of actually helping customers. 

If only I had scheduled the interviews for the assistant position earlier, then I would surely have more help. Then again, most of the applicants are Hogwarts students and were still in school up until last week. 

Thankfully by noon, I'm finally given a reprieve. All the shoppers seem to have either gone home or are taking a lunch break at one of the restaurants lining the streets. Either way, it gives me the perfect opportunity to eat my own lunch. 

Just as I'm about to take a bite of my sandwich the door swings open, the bell ringing. I supress an annoyed groan, looking up. But it's not another customer, it's George. A wide smile spreads across my face.


"Hey." He smiles, walking over to the front desk and laying down an iced latte. "I figured you might need the extra power up after the busy morning. Although, by the looks of things it seems I'm in more need of the coffee than you." He grins, making a move to take the coffee back. 

"Don't you dare." I warn, taking a gracious sip. "Besides, how would you know whether we were busy or not? It's lunch time now so all the shoppers have gone to the restaurants."

He laughs. "Maybe your shop is empty, but mine is still quite overly crowded."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "You left poor Fred to deal with all the customers himself while you came over here just to give me a coffee?"

He shrugs. "That...and I wanted to know when I could see you again."

"You're seeing me right now." I tease. "I think what you really want to know is when you get to fuck me again. And considering last night, I didn't think you would be so eager so soon." I say, tracing my finger down the front of his shirt.

He grabs my wrist away from his chest before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Something you should know y/n, is that I have a very high sex drive and it takes quite a bit to fully satiate me." He murmurs before pulling away again.

My stomach is suddenly filled with butterflies at his words, a throbbing sensation taking over between my legs. "So, when's the soonest night you're available?"

"Tomorrow I'm doing interviews all day. Monday night I have dinner with my parents and Tuesday I'm hanging out with friends from school. So, it would be Wednesday." I say, already looking forward to the day. 

"Wednesday it is then." He grins. "Can we go to your place though? Fred has a date that night and is kicking me out."

"Sure." I agree. "I'll just write down my address for you and you can apparate there." I tell him, making my way back behind the desk to grab a slip of paper. 

I dip my quill into the ink and then scribble down the address, handing him the paper when I'm done. "Great." He smiles, pocketing the parchment. "Now, one more thing before I get back to work. Do you have any books on knot tying?"

My stomach somersaults at the sudden desire his tone takes on as he asks the question, filling my head with thoughts of what he plans to use knot tying for. "Um...yeah. The camping section is in the back of the store. You should be able to find some books about knot tying there." I gulp, glad that my voice doesn't give away how turned on I am suddenly by the thought of him tying me up. 

"Thanks." He smirks, a mischievous glimmer sparking in his eyes as he heads in the direction of the camping section. He knows exactly what his words do to me. 


IT take a decent amount of time for my body to recover from George's presence in Flourish and Blotts, especially when he returns to the front of the store empty-handed, claiming none of the books taught him anything he didn't already know. 

Thankfully I've fully calmed my body by the time the next customer comes into the store. And Thank Merlin for that because one look at the bright-faced read headed woman who's just walked into the store, I know she's Molly Weasley. George's mum. I would recognize her anywhere. She is after all, the woman who defeated the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange. 

"Hi! How can I help you?" I ask, maybe too cheerfully in an attempt to mask the fact that I was doing things with her son last night that no mother would want to know about her child. 

"Oh, hello dear. I was wondering if you have any good cook books for barbecues and big meals. I have a ton of children staying with me this summer, most of them boys and you wouldn't believe how much they eat. Especially Ron, my second youngest, he eats every meal as if it's his last. Do you know Ron?"

"Yeah." I say, leading her in the direction of the cookbooks. "I mean, everyone knows him since he helped Harry defeat Voldemort. But I was a few years older than him at school so I didn't know him that well."

"Ah, maybe you know my twins then. Fred and George. You know Fred has always been very private about his dating life. George not so much. I don't think he's currently seeing anyone but it might be good for him if he did, you know have someone other than his brother to spend his time with. Would you be interested?"

I almost choke at how forward she's being. She's only just met me. But I guess now I know where George gets it. If only she knew I just spent the night with him, doing many, many things. None of which are probably what she means by wanting him to have someone to spend his time with. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sure your son is great but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." I apologize. At least not one that isn't exclusively sex, I add mentally. "Anyways, here are the cookbooks. Let me know if I can help you with anything else."

"Thank you, dear. Do keep my George in mind whenever you do start dating. He's very successful you know, owns and runs his own business." She smiles at me as I turn to head back to the front of the store. 

"I will do that." I smile back before hurrying back to the front of the store. 


A/N: Please don't get annoyed with me for how many times George will bring her an iced latte. If a guy ever goes out of his way to bring me an iced coffee or iced latte, I will fall in love with him on the spot so...

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