11 - oliver wood

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I don't see George for the rest of the week. He's busy, working longer hours since their shop will be closed over the weekend. And I'm also busy, preparing both Luna and Pansy to run the shop without me there for a few days. It's a lot to ask considering they've only been assistants for less than a week, but they're taking it all in stride and have been doing such a great job with the customers. 

Friday evening, around ten minutes before the store will close for the evening, Oliver Wood enters the store. 

"Oh hey!" I say, walking over to him. "I totally forgot you were coming to pick up that book today." 

It's true. With these past couple weeks with George, he's the only thing that's pretty much been on my mind. Well him, and the hiring of an assistant. Now that slot has been taken over by the anxiety of meeting his family, even if it is as just a simple friend. 

"Yeah. Do you have any left?" He asks, grinning at me. 

"Yes of course. I doubt anyone really knows it's even out yet besides you. It's not like they have the internet to figure these things out."

He gives me a weird look. "What's the internet?"

I laugh to myself. "It's a muggle thing. Sometimes I forget that not everyone was raised in the muggle-born. I'll go get the book for you."

Oliver follows me to the back of the store. I bend down and pull the book from the bottom shelf, and when I stand back up, my face is inches from his. 

"Here you go." I say, passing the book to him before stepping past him and heading to the front to check him out. "How've you been?" I ask, as he passes me his coins. 

"Great. We're leading the European league so we'll be in the semi-finals. We're playing against the Braga Broom fleet from Portugal. You should come."

"Maybe I will. I actually have two assistants working for me now, so it'll be easier to get time off on shorter notice and since you're giving me a heads-up, I'll be sure to be there." I tell him, passing over a bag with his book inside. 

He grins at me. "Great. So does that mean you can get someone to cover for you for a date sometime?"

"Well that came out of nowhere."

He laughs. "C'mon, y/n, you're a smart girl. I'm sure you must've figured out that I wasn't coming in here every week just to see if there was a new Quidditch book out. I already knew a new one wouldn't come out until today. I just like stopping by to see you and chat. So, what do you say? Will you go out on a date with me?"

At that moment George walks into the store, ready to apparate me to his family's house. "Yes, I'll go out with you." I answer, covertly glancing it George's direction. It's the best decision. The only way I'll truly be able to get over George is by moving on and testing things out with someone else. 

"Great." Oliver says. "How about I pick you up here Tuesday after work? Is that okay?"

"That's great." I smile. "I'll see you then."

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