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As always, I want to thank all the readers who have stuck around to the end of this book. Your support on this book (and my others if you've read them) really means so much to me. I can't even put into words how happy it makes me to see people all over the world reading, voting and commenting.

Writing this book brought me so much joy and I hope it brought you just as much joy reading it. I seriously can't believe how many readers there are for this book. It literally blows me away how many of you actually enjoy reading this and I love that I get to share some of my writing with you.

In the meantime, feel free to follow me on here for my future fanfics (there will be lots). All your support is amazing (I'll never stop saying that).

I'm always looking for ways to grow as a writer and make my work better, whether it be with plot or dialogue. However, in order for me to do that, sometimes I need to take a step aside. And right now, that means taking a step aside from writing fanfics.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love writing for you all (as well as myself) and your comments and compliments make my day. But my ultimate goal for my writing (one I've had for years) is to become a published author. To see my books on shelves and go on book tours.

So with that being said, I will be taking a break from writing fanfics on Wattpad to focus more of my attention on editing the second draft of my current WIP. I don't know how long this hiatus will last (maybe anywhere from a week to a month). I will be back though to write more for all of you.

I also plan on staying active on Wattpad by reading and replying to your comments and messages, because that's what keeps me motivated. My hope is that when I do come back, ready to write fanfics again, my ideas and writing style will be better than ever.

So, if you're interested in sticking around and waiting for my return to fanfic writing (not that I blame you if you don't want to) but feel free to add "Chivalrous" my Sirius Black x Reader to your reading list/library so you're notified whenever the first chapter goes up. And follow me for any other updates!

I love you all so much and I really hope you understand and support my decision.

Until next time,

Temperance Nixon xoxo 

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