8 - hanging out

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AFTER examining the accounting books very closely for what felt like hours during work today, I figured out the perfect way to not have to choose between Luna and Pansy. Instead of just hiring one of them, I'll hire both, and split the designate hours between them, with only some overlap. 

There was thankfully some wiggle room in the budget, which provided the perfect opportunity. And since it's now summer, we don't need to waste money heating the building. Instead of spending money on AC, we can just leave the door open which will provide just the right amount of breeze. Besides, I can always just come to work in a tank top and shorts since I don't even have to wear a uniform. 

The best thing though, is that as assistant manager, I don't need Mr. Evergreen to sign off on it. I'm incredibly thankful for that because I'm not sure he would go for it. It'll only cost us a bit more than hiring one employee and we'll make that up in profit when it comes to providing good customer service.

Now fully relaxed after notifying Luna and Pansy to meet me tomorrow evening for training after the store closes, I'm letting myself relax for the rest of tonight. 

That is, until someone starts pounding on my front door. I let out a huff before placing the bookmark in my book. I make my way to the door, wand in hand since I'm not expecting anyone and yank it open. 

"George?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows at him. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugs, walking inside. "I was bored so I decided to come over and hangout."

"You live with your twin brother in a literal joke shop and you're bored?" I ask in disbelief, following him into the living room where he takes a seat on the couch. 


"Well, I hate to break it to you but there's not really much for you to do here that you'll find entertaining."

"I can do you." He smirks. 

"Smooth. But my body is still kinda sore from being tied up last night. Maybe tomorrow."

"Alright, well what are you doing?"

"I was reading."

"Cool." He says, patting the seat next to him. "Read to me."

"You want me to read to you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. What are you reading?"

"The Vampire Diaries." I tell him, picking up the book and curling up beside him. 


I lock the bookshop door behind me Friday evening as I leave the store alongside Luna and Pansy. They picked up things faster than I thought which helped move the training along, something I greatly appreciate since it's a Friday night and all I want is a drink and a good fuck. 

"Oi! Y/N!" I hear George call, from behind me. I turn to see him running from across the street towards me, and it's almost like my thoughts about needing to be fucked summoned him. "Wanna grab a drink at the Leaky Cauldron?" He asks, once he's face to face with me.

"Yeah. Sounds good." I nod, turning towards the two girls who are with me. "Do you girls want to join us?"

Luna is the first to answer. "I can't. Drinking is the leading cause of Nargle attacks. Besides, I'm to help my dad pick some dirigible plums." She says, and with that apparates home. 

"She's quite odd." Pansy muses, but her tone isn't mean, just observational. "I'll join you both if you don't mind. I'm headed that way anyways."

"Perfect." I smile. 


"SHE likes you, you know." George notes when Pansy gets up to get us each another round of drinks. Butterbeer this time since our first round was firewhiskey, and it's never done anyone any good to apparate after drinking. It almost always results in the loss of limbs.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, giving George a quizzical look.

"Maybe not a crush or anything, but she definitely as the hots for you. I can tell by the way she's undressing you with her eyes."

"She is not undressing me with her eyes." I argue. But just at that moment, Pansy looks over from the counter and gives me a smile. I immediately note the hint of desire in her eyes, and my stomach flips. "Okay, maybe she is." I admit, blush heating my cheeks.

"You like that, don't you?" His voice is now deep and husky. "I bet you would love for her to make a move. Right now, you're probably wondering what it would feel like to have both her and me worshipping your body at the same time."

I wasn't thinking about that but now that the thought has been put in my head, I can't help it. I've never had a threesome before, but the thought of it is exciting and exhilarating. Especially with someone as handsome as George and sexy as Pansy.

But before I can say anything to George, Pansy is sliding back into the booth, next to me so I'm in between her and George. Oh Godric, help me. 

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