3 - like flying

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"WHY hello, you must be y/n." Fred says when he opens the door. 

"That's me." I smile, walking inside the store. 

"I must say I feel bad for you. Not only did you settle for the less handsome twin but also the one with the smaller -"

"Fred!" George interrupts, descending the stairs rapidly. "Ignore him. He's just jealous that I managed to snag such a beauty and he didn't." George whispers when he gets to my side. I blush as George wraps an arm around my waist, before turning to glare at his brother. "Don't you have someplace to be?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Right. I will be at the Leaky Cauldron getting a drink so you two can be as loud as you want." He grins devilishly. But before George can say anything Fred, disapparates. 

George turns to me, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry about Fred. He's a bit..."


He nods. 

"It's all good. I mean, nothing is as forward as someone walking into your workplace and asking for sex." I joke.

"Right." He chuckles. "Anyways, do you want to go upstairs to the apartment?"

I nod and he takes my hand before leading me up the winding staircase to their apartment. My heart is hammering inside my chest and I worry that my hands will start to sweat. Thankfully they don't. 

"Do you want anything to drink?" George asks, taking his hand away from mine once we reach the kitchen. 

"Yeah, that would be great." I nod. "Maybe it would be better if I get drunk, that way I'm not so nervous."

He chuckles. "I'm not going to let you get drunk, y/n. Then, I would just feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

"Right. Sorry."

"No need to apologize." He says, sliding a glass of firewhiskey towards me. 

I take it gratefully, immediately taking a sip and letting the alcohol burn its way down my throat until it settles warmly in my stomach. "Thanks."

"No problem." He grins, taking a sip of his own drink. "So why are you nervous?"

I sigh. I should have expected him to ask as soon as I admitted to feeling that way, but now I'm embarrassed by my answer. "It's just intimidating, I guess. I mean, I'm sure you've been with a ton of girls. I, on the other hand, have only ever been with Cedric and that was years ago. So I'm slightly out of practice." I confess, figuring it's best just to rip the bandage off. Then, I regret referring to my lack of sex life as being slightly out of practice. It's like I'm comparing it to Quidditch or something. 

He bursts out in laughter. A deep, guttural laugh. "You're nervous? Thank Merlin. I thought I was the only one." He says between laughs. 

"You are?" I ask disbelievingly. 

"Of course I am. I mean, you're bloody gorgeous how could I not be? And it's been awhile for me to but I'm pretty sure we'll be just fine." He says, regaining his composure as he takes a couple steps closer to me. 

His face is now mere inches from mine and the close proximity causes my breath to catch in my throat and my heart to speed up all over again. "I'm sure it's just like flying on a broom." He whispers as he tucks a stray strand of hair out of my face, his warm breath fanning across my face.

I want him. I want him now. He's barely touched me yet he already has such an effect on my mind and body. How is that even possible? 

As if sensing my thoughts, he doesn't hold off any longer and instead brings his mouth down to meet mine. The kiss is soft and sweet. I melt into it, gripping his shoulders as his arms encircles my waist. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip, asking for my permission. 

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