2 - anticipation

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FRIDAY is three days away and I'm already more nervous than I thought I would be. There are so many thoughts and worries running through my head, it's hard to keep track of them all. 

It's been ages since I've had sex with a guy. I know how to get myself off, but getting someone else off? What if I'm no good at it anymore and totally forget what to do. It'll probably be awkward like my first time all over again. 

And then there's the matter that I've only ever had sex with one guy. Cedric. I would hardly call myself experienced. What if George is expecting someone experienced? Merlin knows he's experienced. I mean, he definitely went through his fair share of girls during his time at Hogwarts and afterwards, until after the war apparently. 

What did he witness and go through during that time, that was so bad it drove him away from wanting to open up emotionally and have a relationship?

I guess that's the good thing about the just sex rule. He doesn't have to worry about me prying into that part of his life and I don't have to worry about him doing the same. I've already gone through all the trauma I've experienced with a therapist at St. Mungo's and the Draught of Soothed Mind I've been prescribed is enough to keep the nightmares at bay when I sleep. 

The only way to keep myself distracted and calm until my meeting with George is to throw myself into my work. So that's exactly what I do over the next few days. 

I throw myself into my work. Shelving all the months new arrivals. Reorganizing the shelves where books have been misplaced. Taking stock of which books we're running low on and whether they're worth a reorder. Booking authors to come for signings. Scheduling my interviews with assistant prospects. 

And thankfully, the hard work pays off because before I know it, it's Friday. I still have a full afternoon of work ahead of me, but afterwards I'll be meeting up with George.

"Hey y/n." a familiar Scottish voice says when the bell rings on the door. 

I look up from my book and am greeted by the sight of none other than Oliver Wood, the famous Keeper for Puddlemere United. "Hey Ollie. It's been a long time since I've seen you last." I smile, putting a bookmark in my book to mark my place. I place it on the counter and then walk around to properly greet him. 

"Yeah, our coach has been grinding us really hard lately in practice. The Quidditch World Cup is coming up at the end of the summer and we could be seriously in the running to win this year."

"That's great Oliver!" I tell him. I've always been a fan of Puddlemere United. They're my favourite team in the British and Irish League. 

"Yeah. We're actually playing the Falmouth Falcons tomorrow. They're at the bottom in standings so we'll definitely win. You should come. I can get you good tickets." 

I blush. Oliver is always coming in here and asking me to come to his games and although I've gone to a few, my answer is usually the same. "I really wish I could but I have work tomorrow and I can't take off time with such short notice."

"Right. I guess I should give you a bit more notice this time. But if we win this game and the next one, we'll be in for the semi-finals."

"If you give me enough notice, I'll be sure to be there. Now, what can I do for you today?"

"I was wondering if you had any new books about Quidditch."

"I'm not sure. Let me go check." I say, making my way to the sport section of the bookstore.

Oliver trails behind me, following me through the aisles. I reach the section I'm looking for and crouch down to take a look at the bottom shelf, scanning for anything new that Oliver hasn't already bought. Nothing. 

"Sorry, it doesn't look like we have anything that you don't already have." I say, standing up. "You buy and read them faster than the authors can write new ones."

"Nothing's better than a good book about Quidditch." 

I shake my head, chuckling. "You're quite obsessed with the sport. I have to double-check but I'm pretty sure Kennilworthy Whisp is supposed to be releasing a new book this month. I'll just go check my planner to be sure."

"You're the best, y/n." Oliver smiles, following me to the front of the store again. 

"I know." I grin. 

When we reach the front of store and I pull out my book release planner, Oliver catches sight of a crowd of teenaged girls gathering around the front windows of the store. They all stare at him in awe, blushing and fangirling amongst themselves. He turns and smiles at them which seems to give them the confidence to push inside the store. 

As I start flipping through the planner, I hear them excitedly ask for Oliver's autograph which he gladly gives them, signing scraps of paper and their shirt sleeves. Once they've all received their respective autograph, they rush out of the store whispering excitedly. 

"You seem quite good at drawing the attention of girls." I joke.

He laughs. "Yeah, if only I was that successful with girls my own age."

"Take what you can get." I tease.

"Yeah, as long as it doesn't get me my own cell in Azkaban."

"True." I giggle. "So, two weeks from now, he has a book coming out about Keeper strategies."

"Wicked. That's great. I'll see you then or maybe beforehand. Thanks for your help, y/n."



THE rest of the afternoon flies by and before I know it, it's five o'clock and I'm locking up for the day. I still have a couple hours before Weasley's Wizard Wheezes closes which gives me just the right amount of time to get home and prepare my body a bit more. 

I turn on one leg, apparating to my apartment. Thank Merlin for apparition, it really saves a ton of time. It's so much nicer than when I couldn't practice magic outside of Hogwarts and had to use public transit to get anywhere during the summers since my parents were muggles and as a result our house wasn't connected to the floo network. 

I take a long hot shower, shaving my legs and armpits, washing my hair and body. I dry my body and hair with a simple spell and then slip into a matching bra and panty set. Then I stand in front of my closet for a good ten minutes, wondering what I should wear. Do I just wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt? I mean, I'm just going to be getting naked as soon as I get there anyways. Or do I put in a bit of effort and wear a skirt?

In the end, I decide to go in between laid-back and done-up, with a pair of denim shorts and a cropped tank top. Then with a deep breath, I step outside of my house, spin around and find myself standing back in Diagon Alley, this time in front of George's store. 

With butterflies now swarming in my stomach, I tentatively raise my fist and knock on the door a few times.


A/N: Just thought I would pop in here to add a few things just to give you all some perspective on the book before we get deeper into it.

1) I won't be putting smut warnings at the top of chapters like I do with my other books, simply because the basis of the book is sex so if you're not comfortable with it, this book probably isn't for you.

2) I know I added that y/n shaved her legs and armpits in preparation for her night with George. I just wanted to say that I in no way believe that you have to shave. Whatever you do with your body hair is entirely up to you, but for the sake of the story and just based on my own life, I like to shave so that's why I put it in there. But yeah, if you like growing out your body hair, good for you! 

3) For the most part this book will be smut and the gradual development of their relationship. But there will also be the mention of trauma from the war and them kind of coming to terms with everything they witnessed (death, violence, and torture) but it will only make up a small part of the story

4) Lastly, I try my absolute best not to describe y/n's body when writing because everyone has a different body and all of them are beautiful. I don't want to make others feel left out by writing a specific body type. I want this to be as realistic as possible for you all.

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