5 - interviews

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I haven't even started work yet but as the first prospective future employee enters the office upstairs, I know it's going to be a long day. Sundays are always the least busiest of our least busy days which is why Mr. Evergreen has decided to work the front counter today while I occupy his office, doing the hard work once again as I interview the five best candidates I picked from the applications, Nigel Wolpert, Romilda Vane, Luna Lovegood, and Pansy Parkinson.


"SO, Nigel, what would you say are some of your skills?" I ask the curly haired strawberry blond sitting in front of me. He's a bit on the younger side of prospects, being only sixteen years old.

"Well, I'm really good with defensive stuff." He answers with a shy smile. 

I nod, noting how nervous he is. It could easily be nerves from the pressure of an interview but if he's nervous just talking to me, he might not be eager enough to go up to customers and ask them if they need help.


"IT'S great to see you again Luna." I smile, gesturing for her to take the seat in front of me. Her silver blonde hair bounces around her faces as she sits down, her eyes going wide as she takes in the office. 

"Yes, it's been awhile." She says, her voice just as airy and dreamy as I remember it being. 

Despite me being three years older than Luna at Hogwarts and us being in different houses, we were actually pretty good friends. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws always tend to get along, and it helped that she was one of the only people who didn't walk on eggshells around me after Cedric's death. 

"Let's get right into it. Why do you want to work at Flourish and Blotts?"

"Well, in all honesty I obviously love books. I just finished redoing my sixth year at Hogwarts and I figure having this job over the summer will look great on an application to work at The Quibbler when I graduate."

"The Quibbler? Your Dad owns the magazine, though, right? Why would you have to apply? Wouldn't he just give you the job?"

She shakes her head. "No, daughter or not, he says that I need to still have an impressive resume. Anyways, I'm still not sure if that's entirely what I want to do after graduation next year. But I think spending most of my days here, will really fuel my creativity since I'm surrounded by so many amazing books. I think it's probably also I good time for me to work on my leadership skills. Well, not so much leadership as people skills. I tend to creep people out sometimes with my talk of Nargles. They really do exist, you know. Some people are just too close-minded to hear me out."

I stifle a laugh under my breath before moving on to my next question. 


"ROMILDA, do you have any experience with books or work in general?" I ask the girl in front of me. She's tanned with black hair and dark eyes to match. 

"Yes, actually." She beams in a loud voice. "During my fifth year, I spent quite some time in the library at Hogwarts."

"Oh, really?" I ask, intrigued. If she was in her fifth year, then I had already graduated which is probably why I've never heard any mention of this before. "Did you help Madam Pince reshelve books or help people find things they're looking for?"

She shakes her head. "No. I spent most of my time people watching. Well, Harry Potter watching in particular." 

She must see the look on my face because she quickly adds, "I was surrounded by books the whole time though! I'm sure some knowledge managed to slip in somehow. And I'll tell you this...I am pretty skilled at making love potion."

At the mention of love potion, I'm suddenly reminded why her name sounded so familiar to me as I was looking over the applications. She attempted to brew a love potion intended for Harry during her fifth year but it got into the wrong hands and Ron ingested it instead. When Harry took him to get the antidote, he was poisoned and hospitalised. 

I make a mental note, crossing Romilda off as a potential employee. The last thing I want is her getting the hots for one of our customers and trying to slip them some Amortentia. 


"PANSY, you've just finished the redo of your seventh year at Hogwarts, am I right?" I ask as the pretty girl takes a seat in front of me. She's the last interview of the day and then Mr. Evergreen is letting me go home. I'm looking forward to it, since today seems to have been never ending but I still have to suck it up for this interview, and make sure Pansy is a good prospect. 

"Yes, that's right." She nods emphatically. 

The only thing I really remember of Pansy during my time at Hogwarts was her unrequited crush on Draco Malfoy. It was painfully obvious to everyone in school. I don't really know much else about her since we were in different years and different houses, not running in the same social circles as a result. 

"Why did you decide to apply for this low paying job instead of something better? Possibly for a career you want to pursue in the future?"

She takes a deep breath. "I actually want to open up my own business in the future. I haven't worked out the details of what I want it to be exactly, but I figured while I take my time to decide, it would be good to get some experience in the business side of things. I know this job probably doesn't pay a lot and I might not even get that many hours but since it's not one of the busiest business, I figured it would be nice to have someone kind of apprentice me on the business world and also help me learn customer service. That way I can apply those skills to my own business in the future."

I nod and give her a wide smile, enjoying her answer. Now comes the even harder part. Deciding who gets the job.


A/N: Okay, so I have to decide if I want Luna or Pansy to get the job (that's who I have it narrowed down to). I have some ideas of Pansy getting hired and working that into the plot a lot more than Luna. But I love Luna so much. Should I just hire them both for the job? What do you all think? Let me know!

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