Chapter 1: Invitation.

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December 24th - 2038

On christmas eve, here we begin our journey at the one and only Lieutenant Anderson's residence.
The snow softly falling from the sky onto the old home's delicate roof, decorating it beautifully. Red and green lights can be seen dangling from the roof paired with a snowman in the front lawn. Certainly wasn't Hank's decision to decorate like this, but an Android we all know and love named Connor.
Inside of the snow coated home, lies Lieutenant Hank Anderson passed out on the ever so comfy couch. In the kitchen preparing a meal for the exhausted lieutenant is Connor.

He delicately plates the lieutenant's dinner in an aesthetically pleasing way, of course. As he approaches the sleeping Hank, he can feel the warmth of the fireplace nearby.

Connor: "Lieutenant?"
Hank wakes up with a golt.
Hank: "Argh, god, Connor. Don't scare me like that."
Connor: "My apologies, I came to inform you that dinner's ready."
Hank: "Yeah, alright.."

Hank lazily makes his way to the kitchen counter to sit and enjoy his meal, until he realizes what Connor made. He glances over at the android as he was putting food for Sumo.

Hank: "Connor, The hell? You said you'd make a burger."
Connor turns to Hank as he stands up.
Connor: "I might've lied."
Hank: "Yeah, really? No shit."
Connor: "I'm sorry, lieutenant. But I'm doing this for the sake of your health."
Hank: "Would ya stop with that lieutenant shit? I swear I was born with the name Hank not lieutenant."
Connor: "Sorry, li- Hank."
Hank: "That's better."
Hank: "So, what'd ya make here? Smells good."
Connor: "Steak topped with mushroom sauce and rice paired with sauteéd vegetables."
Hank: "..Can I not eat the vegetables?"
Connor: "Hank.."
The tone of the android shifts into a more serious tone.
Hank: "Fine.. Whatever."

Connor takes a seat next to Hank with a warm cup of thirium in his hand.
While Hank is eating, he freezes as he remembered something.

Hank: "Oh, right uh, Mail came in today and there's a letter for you."
Connor: "A letter? For me?"
Hank: "Yeah, it's on the table, go check it out."
Connor gets up from his seat, leaving the mug saturated with thirium there.
He walks up to the table and picks up a letter. He opens the letter and finds an invitation note that reads:

"Dear, Connor..
I hope this letter finds you well..
You've been invited to the Christmas party held at Carl Manfred's house at 25th of December, 6:00 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!"
-To: Connor.
-From: Markus.

Connor: "It's an invitation from.. Markus."
Hank: "Robo jesus himself? What's it say?"
Connor: "He's inviting me to a Christmas party he's holding at Carl Manfred's house tomorrow."
Hank: "I think you should go, you haven't seen him in a while."
Connor: "..maybe you're right."
Connor gets pushed to the right a little bit, looking down just to see Sumo nudging his leg, he leans down to pet him.

Connor: "What do you think, Sumo? Should I go?"
Sumo sticks his tongue out in a happy way while wagging his tail and licks Connor's face.
Connor: "Ok! Ok!... I'll go."
Hank: "Alright, kid."
Connor's on the floor while petting Sumo when all of a sudden it falls quiet and his led begins cycling yellow.
Hank glances over and frowns his eyebrows confused.
Hank: "You alright kiddo?"
Connor: "Yes.. I'm just wondering what I'll wear."
Hank lets out a small chuckle.
Hank: "That's the least of your worries, didn't you buy that navy blue and black sweater the other day?"
Connor: "Yes, I did."
Hank: "Then you can wear that, right?"
Connor: "Sure, why not."
A small smile makes its way up Connor's lips as he thinks about his reunion with his friends.
Hank finishes his dinner and places the dish in the sink then heads to the fridge to grab himself a beer.

Connor: "Hank, What did I say about alcohol?"
Hank: "C'mon, Connor. I'm a grown man and I can choose what I drink."
Connor: "Not when I'm around."
Connor gets up and snatches the bottle from Hank.
Hank: "Connor, I haven't had one in a week."
Connor: "What's the secret word?"
Hank: "What?"
Connor: "You heard me. What's the secret word?"
Hank: "Ugh.. Please?"
Connor: "There you go. You're learning."
Hank takes the bottle from Connor and saunters to the couch.
Hank: "Yeah whatever, you're welcome."

The night ends with Hank passing out on the couch for the second time while watching a hockey match and Connor waking him up to go brush his teeth and head to bed. Connor doesn't need sleep, but he goes into his room and goes into 'stand by' mod, so he's ready for tomorrow.

Thank you for reading! This is my first story to release into the public, so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes or some chapters are kind of short, I'll try my best to upload as often as possible.

Word count: 842

See you next time!~ ^^

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