Chapter 1: Beginnings

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 YO! Check out my audio recording of this chapter (If you hate my voice well screw you)

 (Also in the media section)

Also This is a 2nd version of this chapter. I thought the 1st one sucked so here's the revised and hopefully improved version. I did change some details but overall it wont effect the story. Ill be posting the original in a bonus chapter


June 1st, 2015 Epochfield BC

There he was, the most handsome boy on earth. His name is Declan Baker. He's tall, white, skinny, and pretty lanky so he looks kinda awkward whenever he does something but I don't mind. He's perfect, and his eyes are just gorgeous. Those brown eyes of his are a pair that you can look deep into and then get lost in their gaze. His hair is dirty blond that reminds you of, well blond hair getting dirty. He was holding my two hands and said to me "Robin, I would love to be with you for the rest of my life," and then he grinned while I said nothing. The sunset to the right of me was shining it's ever glowing shade of red. We were both on a steep cliff so we had an amazing view of the sunset, a sunset so beautiful it'll make you cry for weeks. He then squatted down a bit and put his face close to mine to initiate a passionate kiss while cupping his hands on my face. Our lips then-


I woke up startled like a had a nightmare and in the process I bumped my head hard against the roof of the bunk bed. "Owwwwwwww" I groaned out loud. I got out of bed, already done with the day even though it hasn't even started. I smiled a little because of the dream I had and also that my room was sunset orange, I color I loved a lot but that smile didn't last long when I remembered that life sucked. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty bleh with my tan skin and black hair. My hair was short but still was a greasy mess so I wet it and then with my fingers put it to the side. There, I look more or less attractive today. I went downstairs and ate oatmeal cause I was on some diet to lose weight, I don't even know. I sighed as I watched a YouTube video on my tablet as I ate. Once I finished I then headed to school.


The walk to school was alright, It was summer so it was really cool outside in the morning of the town of Epochfield. The town was fairly small and there were lots of green plants and vegetation and was a highly forested type area and so that meant it was mostly wet except in the summer where it goes really dry yet it's really humid.

I went inside my school and headed for my first class which was science which I wasn't honestly too fond of. But I did like it for one reason, it was too see my crush Declan baker, the guy I had a dream of this morning. I reflected on my dream and smiled to myself about it, It was truly nice but ughh that damn alarm clock! I went and sat beside this chick named Amanda. She was pretty cool. The bell was close to ringing and Declan sat diagonal from me. He doesn't talk to me anymore because just before this new semester began, I knew I had to tell Declan I liked him. We knew each other back in grade 9 P.E. however it was grade 10 P.E. that we got to know each other better and that's when I ended up liking him much more so It was really now or never to confess my feelings. So I went ahead and told him I liked him during that lunch that day. His response was stupidly "As friends?" with a stupid nervous smile on his face. I blurted out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in the most obnoxious way ever and then I ran away. And so he doesn't talk to me and won't even look at me. Whatever though because I just simply look at him for fan service reasons now, yeah, you know what I mean. Me, Robin Martinez, biggest pervert of 2015. I'm proud of myself with my self proclaimed title. I went through science as normal, Ughhing through all the work and putting up with my science teacher Mr. Kirby who was really bland. I went to my next class which was English class and yeah, we learned some cool poetry stuff, nothing too exciting. Then came lunch, where I sat at a certain spot and just sat quietly against the wall and did crap on my tablet with headphones in because everyone's extremely noisy in that group and so I have no choice. Even through my headphones I would still hear the noise and get frustrated. I would leave but I always sat with my friend Pooja and she gave me great company. We would always talk about stupid crap as well as guys I like and guys she liked. She is a very good person. I simply sighed and continued on my tablet, trying my best to ignore the world especially since my friend Pooja was nowhere to be found and I had nowhere else to go.


It was the end of the day. I just got out of foods which was my last class and usually I would go upstairs to see my friends but not today. I went ahead and started going home. I had to go up this hill to get to my house and even though it wasn't a big hill it was still a little hassle to go over it each day. As I went up the hill I saw a mysterious black hooded figure. My senses automatically told me that was I was in huge danger so I went ahead and crossed the street to the other side to avoid the figure. There the figure also crossed the street. It was at this point that my heart started pounding. The figure fast approached me and I didn't know what to do so I simply took the courage to face them. The figure wore a gas mask so I didn't see their face. The figure then spoke with a voice that was heavily modified.

"I know who you are Robin, and you're struggling with life, So, would you like to go to a world where everything is perfect and you have the one person you like?"

I was in disbelief, no way this guy was telling the truth but at the same time how did he know my name and the conditions I was going through. That was really creepy and my heart was now pounding rapidly.

"How do you know my name? and you're lying, this has to be some messed up joke. There's no way you can take me to a perfect world. It's all bullshit!" I then backed away slowly. " If you're one of my friends you better remove that mask cause you're creeping me out." The figure steadily walked towards me. "So, is that a yes or no? Because either way, I'll make you go" This was my cue to start running but the figure was extremely fast and caught up to me and put me in a choke hold.


"I'm so sorry but I have to force you to go" The hooded figure then pulled out a syringe with heroin like substance. My eyes showed complete fear. I struggled but I couldn't break free. The figure was really strong despite their short statue. They then injected the needle into my neck and I felt my head get really heavy and my strength disappearing. I hit the cold concrete floor.

"This is for your own good Robin"

My eyes started to blur and everything was dissipating. It felt like I was dying. I felt my whole soul leave my body and into something else...

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