(Chapter 9) Chapter 2? In Another World?

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June 1st, 2015 Epochfield BC

There he was,the most handsome boy on earth. His name is Declan Baker. He's tall, white, skinny, and pretty lanky so he looks kinda awkward whenever he does something but I don't mind. He's perfect, and his eyes are just gorgeous. Those brown eyes of his are a pair that you can look deep into and then get lost in their gaze. His hair is dirty blond that reminds you of, well blond hair getting dirty. He was holding my two hands and said to me "Robin, I would love to be with you for the rest of my life," and then he grinned while I said nothing. The sunset to the right of me was shining it's ever glowing shade of red. We were both on a steep cliff so we had an amazing view of the sunset, a sunset so beautiful it'll make you cry for weeks. He then squatted down a bit and put his face close to mine to initiate a passionate kiss while cupping his hands on my face. Our lips then-


A huge wave came out of the sea that was deep below us. It rose to unbeleivable heights and swept Declan and I away. We were both in the water, suffocating to get air but obviously we couldn't. I then felt myself slowly lose conciousness-

*gasp* *weeez*

I woke up startled like I had a nightmare, no. I DID have one. "What was that all about" I quietly said to myself. From here I realized that I didn't hit my head, meaning my bunk bed dissapeared. Which was really odd. I then looked to the right. My room was a pale green color and not sunset orange and my whole room was arranged differently. As well as...

"Declan, Lily, What are you doing in my room!?" I was shocked but they didn't answer immediately since well, Declan had earphones in, listening to music while sitting at computer desktop that was near my bed and Lily was just doodling stuff with music blasting in her ears as well on a separate desk near the other one. It took about 2 seconds for Declan to realize I awoke and he then signalled Lily to take her earphones out. "Hey look who decided to wake up, you feeling all right handsome?


" Handsome? What do you mean handsome? You've only called me that like once ever since you woke me up!" Both of them just looked at me. I was surprised of what I just said. Why did I remeber something like that. I saw both Lily and Declan whispering to each other about something. "Ok well, we weren't quite prepared for this but, guess we have no choice. Seems like you remeber what happened in a previous timeline so we have to take you somewhere" Declan said. It was at that moment memories started floodiing in (no pun intended) of the time Declan and I spent through these days of confusion till our last breathe in Zero's facility. I didn't know what to feel, anger towards Zero or happiness towards these two being alive? I decided to hug both of them. I was crying tears of joy. "Whoah, did something bad hapen to us in that other timeline?" I simply said nothing. Then confusion clouded in my head. "Wait... Are you saying that you knew about all of this in the beggining?" They both looked down and stayed silent. "Robin" Declan reached for my hand and held it with both of his hands. "I promise everything will be answered when we get there." I simply didn't ask anymore questions. "Ok. I have an idea of where we're going. Its that mettalic door in the the caf right?" They both looked at eachother and nodded. "Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go!" I jumped up from my bed and went out the door, putting on my shoes first of course.


We all arrived at the mettalic door. Both Lily and Declan were exhausted. I was breathing heavily too but not that much. I then remeber the riddle Zero told me. Whenever I thought of Zero's name now, there was no longer any anger to go along with it. Was it because my friends were now alive? Whatever the matter I pondered on the riddle that Zero told me before I drowned.

"When 10 children come together, Fathers turn and meet, releasing the numbers that go to infinity. Children dance, celebrating the birthday of the Orange-Grey bird while they wait for the one who is forever young."

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