Chapter 10: A Dimension's Last Truth

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All I could see was darkness. I couldn't feel anything and yet It felt I felt like I was on fire. It was agonizing. I tried looking around but wasn't even sure if I was moving, I knew I was conscious yet I couldn't see myself so I hadn't' the faintest idea what was going on. I tried screaming but no sound came out, it's as if all my senses were gone however I could still... "Feel" in a sense that I knew I was "There". Is this how it feels after death? Am I ghost now? Is this where all dead spirits go? to some limbo where it feels like a hell? I couldn't think and went about aimlessly trying to find a way to get out to stop the hurting. Bit by bit though my body became less heated and cooled down. I didn't feel that agonizing fire instead I felt the opposite, the freezing cold. What was happening? I then saw something in a distance, two bodies. I rushed over to them. Whether I was walking or running or just floating, I wasn't sure at all but I approached the two bodies quite quickly. The two bodies were of Declan and I, there on the ground lifeless. I wanted to touch them but how could I if I was nothing? I attempted anyway but as soon as I was going to the two bodies stood up. With no emotion showing on their face , they started speaking in unison.

"Who am I? Who are you? Robin, which one of us really is you? If you're us at all."

They then started to fade slowly. I wanted to reach out and tell them something but I couldn't. My body felt a mixture of hot and cold that wasn't exactly warmth and I saw the darkness around me start to brighten to a shining white.

"Heah!" I jolted upwards. Well that's a familiar feeling. I grabbed my head as a headache started to come in. A few seconds later I recovered from the insane pounding in my head and looked around. "A laboratory?" I said out loud, " Sure is, mate" I heard a voice come from behind me. I turned around immediately. As soon as I saw the person who spoke I remembered what happened before I passed out, seems like they kept me on the cold floor instead of putting me on a bed, assholes. I then stood up and pointed at him. "You! Who are you!? Why do you have my face on and why do I look like that guy over there?" I then pointed to the entrance of the lab, where I remember Declan was but obviously wasn't there anymore.
"Huh?" I don't know why I expected him to be there. People do tend to move when you're unconscious.

"Hey Robin, I suggest you chill before you start pointing at thin air again" The boy with my face said. " Come with me, I'll explain everything." I simply calmed down and followed my doppelganger to wherever he was going.
He took  an array of bland hallways until we arrived to a dead end with a single door. The door functioned like the ones at the facility, opening up and down like a clam. We went through it and I saw everybody there surrounding a bed. Sarah, Jason, Declan, Lily, Pooja, Zoe, and even David was there too. They were all sitting down on chairs around this comfy looking yet bland bed made of just white sheets. "Ok Robin, You probably didn't like that cold hard floor so here's a bed for you" My doppelganger smiled. I then climbed onto the bed. Everyone looked at me but didn't say a word. They looked kinda sad. I didn't get into the covers but I solely just sat on the bed cross legged. "Ok my doppelganger, now explain what' s going on"
"Ok, very well. I'm first going to introduce myself. My name is Robin Martinez, I am the you of this world. To avoid confusion, you may call me Zero.

Zero huh?


I'm Zero?


"Wait what? Zero? You mean the man who tracked Sarah and hurt David among hurting hundreds of people!? That's you!? " I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. It was Declan. " That isn't true. Listen to the rest of what he has to say. " Declan then let go and sat down. I controlled my anger and listened. " Thank you Deccy. Now as I was saying, I am Zero, the mastermind of the TM project. And what is that you ask? That's the project I made so you can have an awesome happy future, Taylor."

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