Chapter 8: Into Darkness

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I slowly opened the door. And inside it looked pretty run down, Actually, it looked more like a big empty barn than anything else. "Hey Lily, I thought you said this was a factory."
"Really? Whoops, I meant it was an abandoned barn emitting that signal."

Who the fuck mixes up A factory and a Barn? Whatever the matter, I went and scanned the barn. It looked like any other barn just minus the animals. Among the fantastic straw scenery, I saw something at the very end of the barn. It was under a pile of hay and I could barely make it out but It was a piece of brown wood popping up. I ran to it with the other guys wondering what I was doing. I mean, I had a strange feeling it was important, and It didn't hurt to try and look, right? I removed the hay and what was under was a door. A wooden door with a gold coloured doorknob. I signalled the guys to come where I was. They arrived shortly and I told them "Ok guys, This is obviously a door, So why don't you say we go ahead and see where it leads to? I mean, It's not every day you see a normal bedroom door that you can open on the floor." They all just nodded in agreement. "Ok then, it's settled." I then opened that door and what we saw inside was a metal hallway, kinda like a futuristic hospital type of hallway. We all then dropped our weapons down first, as to not harm ourselves with them while we jump down. We all jumped and landed with a thud. We looked up to the door and it was still open and would be impossible to close unless someone where to jump up there again, but the jump we made was at least 12 feet high, heck we aren't even sure how we survived jumping from that height. ,meaning it would be a little difficult to get out of here. So for the sake of everything, leaving it open would be a good choice. I looked ahead. The hallway ended and there were two directions a person can go, left or right onto a much longer hallway. I went down the hallway and peered both corners. Seems like the hallways end with another turn, The right side of the hallway turning to a left and the left side of the hallway turning to a right. "I wonder which way we should go first." I said. "Hey Robin, Why don't we split up? Us boys take the left route and the girls can take the right route." Declan suggested. That was pretty easy, and since we had weapons we'll be fine, and the girls seem like they can kick some major ass so having no males in that group wouldn't be a problem. We all agreed and Jason, Declan and I started to go the left route. We arrived at the end of the hallway and made the right turn that I saw, from there we saw a single metallic door with a red light over it. Beside the door on the right was a huge glass window with a red button beside it saying "RELEASE WATER" Underneath the button. On the left side of the door we saw a little slot that a key card could fit in.


We heard a static noise as we approached the door. Then out of nowhere we heard a deep gruff voice.

"So, You're finally here Robin. I've been waiting. But, let's cut the cliché villain speech shall we? I want you and your buddies to access the door with the glass window, because there is where I reside but, Unfortunately even a villain has his faults and the door only opens from the outside and I seemed to misplace my key card. It should be in one of the rooms the girls are trying to get into. Oh? Did I tell you? I can see everything you are doing in this place, so don't do anything that will piss me off, or else certain unfortunate things will happen. Anyway, Happy hunting!"

I gritted my teeth. That no doubt was Zero. The mastermind behind everything. The same guy who sent people to hurt Sarah and David. I can't forgive that. I needed to get to him. "C'mon let's go. I want to catch this guy badly, so I suggest we should just follow his rules and find that key card" I said to Jason and Declan. They both nodded and I ran towards the girls location. There, at the end of the hallway they were in, there were 3 doors on each side. One facing me and the other 2 on the right and left. I greeted the girls and they told me if I knew anything about the man who just spoke. Lily and I talked to Pooja and Zoe giving them the idea that the person who just spoke was Zero.
"If that's the case then we shouldn't look for it right? What if it's one huge trap?" Pooja said.
"Well even if it is, I won't stop until I find him, he needs to pay for what he's done to Sarah." I said. "Well ok, I guess we can look"
"If that's the case then I suggest we split in 3 groups so we can cover ground easily. I take Declan, Jason can be with her sister, and Pooja can be with Zoe. Sound good?"
"That sounds perfect" Pooja said. I smiled. "So what door should each on us go through?" I asked.
" I know, we should go through the middle door, while you guys can take either or." Declan said. "Hmm ok, I guess I'll go with the right door" Lily said. "Then that leads Pooja and Zoe to take that door, Ok then that settles it, Let's go Robin." Declan smiled at me, assuring me that it's going to be ok... like I really actually needed comfort in this situation. Everyone dispersed and we entered the door that was in the middle. The door opened automatically, with the top part of the door going upwards and the bottom part going downwards, so to say, the door opened like Someone split it in two.

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