Chapter 1: The Old Version

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The old version of the first chapter.  You could say this is the original so it must be the true chapter 1 but sometimes timelines have different origins and yet they arrive at the same fate......


There he was,the most handsome boy on earth. His name is Declan Baker. He's tall, white, skinny, and pretty lanky so he looks kinda awkward whenever he does something but I don't mind. He's perfect, and his eyes are just gorgeous. Those brown eyes of his are a pair that you can look deep into and then get lost in their gaze. His hair is dirty blond that reminds you of, well blond hair getting dirty. He was holding my two hands and said to me "Robin, I would love to be with you for the rest of my life," and then he grinned while I said nothing. The sunset to the right of me was shining it's ever glowing shade of red. We were both on a steep cliff so we had an amazing view of the sunset, a sunset so beautiful it'll make you cry for weeks. He then squatted down a bit and put his face close to mine to initiate a passionate kiss all while grabbing my face and then our...our lips- *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING* I woke up startled like I had a nightmare, damn you alarm clock. In the process I also hit my head since I sleep in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. "Shit, that was the girliest dream I ever had of him" I said to myself while rubbing my now swollen head. It was almost too cliché and typical I can't believe I actually had a dream like that. Well point being yes, this guy named Declan Baker is my crush and I liked him a lot. Let me give you some backstory. We've known each other since grade 9 but it wasn't till grade 10 P.E. class where I truly got to know him better so we were pretty good friends for a solid 5 months. The change of the semester was coming closer so I knew I had to confess my feelings by then, only to realize he was going to be in my science class next semester, damn you fate. So after I confessed my feelings and ran away like a pussy before his initial reaction, we haven't talked since and so I feel like he just dislikes me, FOR LIKING HIM. To me I feel heartbroken because I didn't imagine that him ignoring me or not talking to me will hurt this much. Whatever, I now just stare at him in science class just admiring his body and how oh how I want to fu- well uhh yeah... Though I must say the only way to get over him is if I can just find someone else I can fall in love but man it's just Declan is so handsome, I don't think I can fall in love with someone who is below a 9 out of 10 on the attractiveness scale though I guess it's all about personality and not looks right? Even so I did like Declan's personality for he listened to what I had to say for various things and he was always just so cool but I don't know what to think about him now that he just ignores me. I wonder what that says about his personality. That is enough rant though, I will not mope around about a guy who rejected me, no need to be angry about it. "Well time to get out of bed" I said to myself while just erasing that embarrassing dream from my head as well as just mentally preparing myself for the day. I did the typical teenager get ready routine and ran out the door since well I was actually running late for Part of my routine is stay on the computer till 7:50 and then rush out the door. This was a problem because my school started at 8:00 and it was a ten minute walk and I don't like being late so yeah I ran. I came just at the bell and I headed to my science class. Yup there he was just sitting there *sigh* I really wanted to talk to him but I just couldn't. So the class started and my friend Amanda sat beside me and the whole duration of the class we just asked eachother questions of the science material we didn't understand. The class ended and I took one last look at Declan before I went out the door. *fast forward to 3:33 or the end of the school day* I come out of my foods class and I immediately headed home, not even visiting my friends on the third floor, which I usually do. My foods class is on the first floor so I didn't want to climb fricken stairs hence I decided to go home right after. I'm walking up the hill when I see some really shady person with a cloak covering thier body, including thier face up ahead just standing there. I was a bit freaked out and I panicked a bit so I just walked to the other side of the street to avoid walking past the mysterious figure. To my surprise the hooded figure walked across the street too! Now I was panicking, the figure was scary as shit. "Don't worry Robin, he won't hurt you" I told myself this even though I knew that figure wanted something from me though I didn't detect any signs of threat I still became very cautious. As I came closer, the figure signaled at me to come closer. "Oh god I'm gonna die" I whispered, my heart was beating quickly. Who wouldn't be scared if there was some hooded figure obstructing your sidewalk while trying to go home. Only reason why I didn't run away was because this was the only way to my house since my house was on a cul-de-sac. I came face to face with the hooded figure. I took a deep breath and said "Wh-what do yo-you want from me?" I stuttered cause this figure was creeping me out. I thought I was going to get murdered. Then in a deep voice he said to me "Do you want to live a better life? "What?" I said in shock. I"ve observed you for a while now Robin, I know you have been struggling especially because of this Declan so I'm just asking you if you would like to go to a place where everything is perfect" He then put his hand out as if he wanted to meet an agreement. "No fricken thank you" I said quickly while backing away slowly, "How do you know all that? only my closest friends know plus I know you aren't one of my friends since none of my friends would have the guts to be this creepy and then not laugh during it and also you have a figure of an adult.." The figure then chuckled and said "Regardless you're going anyway" Yup this was my time to get the hell out of there. I then tried to run past him but he grabbed onto me by my backpack and then he put me into a choklehold. "LET ME GO!" I yelled and I kicked and tried to elbow him but despite being skinnier than me and a bit shorter this guy was strong...... Well I was pretty sure he was a guy but I couldn't tell because he was covering his face, plus his voice sounded very heavily modified by something and to top it off I think he was wearing a gas mask just underneath that huge hood. He then took out a syringe which looked like it contained...heroin? I was scared beyond belief but I kept fighting and then... then. *stab* the figure injected the heroin like substance into my right arm, right into my vein. He then let go of me and then he ran away. "The hell was that?" I said panting. Then suddenly my consiousness started to slip. My head started to hurt like crazy and I fell to the hard concrete sidewalk. I couldnt get up. All my strength was gone and my vision started to blur. Was I dying? In a matter of seconds I felt l my soul wander out of my body and into something else.....

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