yellow or blue

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh GX story which won't have y/n dueling but we will see someone else duel. Now for my question of the day and this is kind of a weird one which is if you watched the dub of GX and thought how the dub ended was the end what did you think about it? For me I can't remember one hundred percent but I actually thought that I would need to wait for the next episode to come out, I waited for about five years until I realised there was a sub, yes I really did believe for five years that the final episode would be out, I was a dumb kid. Now with that all said and done let's get on with this story.


I opened up my pack lunch in the baseball field of the academy watching the base ball game between the Slifer red and Ra yellow. I didn't have to take part since there would have been one extra person on our team since bastion is missing for some reason. As I ate my sandwich I looked on at the game I didn't really understand the rules but I think you need to need to go to each of the bases  and back to where you swung the bat you get a point. After some time it was Jaden turn to bat the ball and before the guy who threw the ball was going to throw it someone interrupted the game.

Bastion:"hold on!"

Everyone looked at the entrance to where the voice of bastion came from.

Bastion:"time out!"

Bastion then ran into the Feild while I put away my pack lunch since now I would need to play the game now. As I walk down to the Feild I stood next to syrus as bastion was now the guy throwing the ball.

Y/n:"so is bastion any good at sports? I know he's good in the classroom but I don't think I have seen him play sports."

I looked down at syrus.

Syrus:"well who knows, if the Ra yellows are letting him pitch then I assume he must be good."

When I looked back at bastion and Jaden they both seemed to be ready to give it there all like they were actually dueling. When the first wall was thrown it went right past Jaden so fast that it was hard to see, the same thing happened his next two throws. Then everyone started to move to the others area, I walked over to the far right since that's where they said I should be. The person who was going to be throwing the ball was jaden.

Fugaku POV

I walked into the locker room where the Slifer red are playing against the Ra yellows, I don't really care about that but I want to ask y/n for help so I need to find his locker. When I do find his locker I slip a note into it and then walk away since I have better things to do than hang about in a locker room.



The Ra yellow bat person dropped there bat and moved to the first base as the others moved to the other bases.


Some of the Slifer ran over to Jaden wondering what he is up to while I stand there wondering why Jaden is acting so weirdly since he stuck out the last two just fine. When the slifers were done talking to Jaden it was bastions turn to use the bat, was this some sort of revenge? After a bit of small talk among the two of them Jaden got ready to throw his ball, when the ball was thrown it went as fast as bastion but bastion was about to send it flying past me before I could catch it. When it went passed me I heard a crashing sound come from behind me, when I turned around I saw most of the sports equipment lying in a pile.

Jaden:"em, head up."

Me Jaden and syrus walked into where the pile of sports equipment was and as we got closer something burst out of it. It was professor crowler who had the ball in his left eye.

Yu-Gi-Oh GX X male reader insert (seeds of creation)Where stories live. Discover now