round 2

263 5 0

Hello there boys and girls I do hope that you are all having a good day today and if you are curious I am having an okay day but enough about that since I know what you all came here for. Now I hope that all of you are ready to read the next chapter of my YU-GI-OH GX story as much as I am enjoying writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is did anyone else's think that the duel against Kagemaru, was meant to be a three on one, like it was meant to be him against Chazz, Jaden, and Alexis, or was that just me wishing for a awesome big duel. I would like to know what you all think and with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.

For context this duel takes place after Jaden has dueled Kagemaru but before Chumley duels Crowler.


Both me and Fugaku walked into a duel field that was empty since the both of us wanted our second duel to be in private just like the first one. The two of us then walked onto the same sides of the duel field that we were on before. I had looked into the black book to try and see if the outcome of the duel will be told to me but the only new thing that was written in the book was just random numbers Fourteen, Thirteen, thirty one, ninety, ninety five, twenty four, fifty, twenty seven, forty seven and then the last number that was wrote in was eighty three. But also in the book there was a text that bothered me, it said that the son will chose the path when the stroke come's, whatever that means.

Fugaku:"Remember y/n, don't hold back, I want this to be a no holds bar duel."

I nodded an placed my deck into my duel disk before then activating it.

Y/n:"good, because I want to see you duel me at your best."

He smirked and nodded activating his duel disk.

Fugaku, Y/n:"lets duel.!"

Fugaku 8000

Y/n 8000

Fugaku:"I will go first, I will play the spell card called graceful charity, so you know the drill I draw three cards but I must toss two."

Then he drew three cards from the top of his deck and as he was looking at them I saw him toss two, I could not tell what the first one was but I saw that the second one was polymerization.

Fugaku:"Now I summon my lunalight Kaleido chick in attack mode."

Then the moon that was in the background of the artwork for chick appeared on Fugaku side of the field as soon the yellow mosnter then appeared soon after holding up a peace sign at the side of her head.

Lunalight Kaleido chick Atk 1400 Def 800

Fugaku:"now I use the effect of my Lunalight chick to send a monster from my deck or extra deck to change my monster name, and I will send my Lunalight cat dancer to the graveyard."

Then taking the monster out of his extra deck he then put it int the graveyard while I wondered why he chose cat dancer instead of panther dancer.

Fugaku:"now I play the spell card polymerization to fuse my lunalight chick now named Lunalight cat dancer and my Lunalight black sheep to fusion summon my Lunalight Panther dancer."

Then Black sheep and chick both began to jump into the air fusing together as on his Fugaku side of the field a moon that was the same as the one on the artwork of his card appeared on his side of the field and then Lunlight panther dancer appeared in a dancing stance.

Lunalight Panther dancer Atk 2800 def 2500

Fugaku:"and now I will activate the effects of both my chick and black sheep, since Lunalight Kaleido chick was send to the grave I get back my polymerization I just used, and since black sheep was sent to the grave due to being used in a fusion summon I can bring back a Lunalight monster from my grave so long as it is not black sheep."

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