Amazonian cat fight.

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh GX story which I hope that all of you are enjoying this story as much as I am writing it for you guys. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think will be happening to y/n, now that all his friends know about his cool eye. Now let's get on with the story.


I moved my brush across my millennium eye since when I use to like I did against Camula the paint comes off so I need to repaint it, the hard part was the part of the eye that stuck outwards since if people look closely then they will notice it. Since the duel people have been treating me differently, as in they don't seem to trust me or anything which I get, I lied to them and kept this secret from them so who would want to hang around me after that. But I'm sure that the whole school know by now so no one will want to duel me since they might think that I am just cheating. When I looked at the clock in my room I saw that it was only ten minutes till me class would start so I picked up the eye patch and placed the millennium eye down onto a stand before I left my home putting my eye patch on since I know people wouldn't want to look into my eye while there is nothing there. I rushed to duel academy and as I made my way to the class room rushing there I did notice that there didn't seem to be many people in the academy but that might be because they are in class. When I reached the classroom I was surprised to see that there was less than half of the class in here and the lesson looked like it had just began. I looked down and made my way to my seat, when I sat down I got out my jotter and began to fill it out while the class was going on I knew some people were wondering about my eye patch since I haven't needed to wear it until now. Then all of a sudden someone burst through the doors looking out of breath, the person was an blue student and he was holding a bag.

Student:"professor banner!"

He then began to make his way down the steps to professor banner who seemed quite confused as to what he is doing here. When the student reached professor banner, he began to tell him something that I couldn't hear from over here but I had the idea that.

Small timeskip.

I looked around the thick woods of the forest as we were looking for the person who the bag belonged to, apparently it was found in here so me and the other key holders with Syrus and Chumley, were looking to see if a shadow rider was involved. Fugaku, said that he heard some of the people in his dorm talk about someone who was looking for workers, he said he thought it was one of the teachers but maybe the shadow rider is using them as hostages. Eventually after more roaming through these trees we came to an opening and all gasped when we saw a large coliseum off in the distance surrounded by cliffs hiding it.

Bastion:"I'm going in!"

Then he bagan to run towards the entrance of the coliseum and all of us had to chase after him incase he is attacked. When we walked through the gate and then into the arena we were all shocked to see that most I the interior was already done but it seemed the people who were working on this coliseum were students from all three of the dorms.

Syrus:"hey, that guys from class."

He pointed to one of the people helping to move a lager square stone.

Chumley:"yeah, and so is she."

Lyman:"oh my."

As I was looking at the crowd I did see someone who looked like professor Crowler.


Crowler, then turned to look down at us like this was a normal thing for him to be doing.

Syrus:"what are you doing?"

Crowler:"a man's work."

Lyman:"a man's work? Oh my, they must have been running very short on men."

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