big test

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Okay boys and girls hope that you all are ready for this chapter as am I since y/n will be using some more interesting cards in it. Now for my question of the day is who was your favourite teacher in real life, for me it was my fifth year history teacher because he knew how to have a laugh while teach the class. Now let's get on with this chapter because I am so excited!


Today was the day that we would be getting a test to see if we will advance up a rank or colour in our case. I was walking with syrus as well as a boy called chumley who has been held back a few years so he was a bit older than me, syrus, and Jaden.

Y/n:"so syrus do you think that you will do well in this task?"

I looked down as syrus who was scratching the bottom of his chin.

Syrus:"well I hope that I do well but I am worried about Jaden."

Speaking of Jaden, where is he?

Y/n:"so where is Jaden out of curiosity?"

Syrus:"well he was sleeping in attack mode."

Now that I look at him a little better syrus us have a slight bruise on his forehead.

Y/n:"so is that how you got that."

I pointed at my forehead where the bruise was and he nodded. I then wanted to know who he thinks that he is going to fight.

Y/n:"so who are you hoping to duel syrus?"

Syrus just looked down at the ground, guess I touched on a soar spot for him. I looked over to chumley.

Y/n:"who do you hope to duel chum?"

He also looked down at the ground, guess that is another soar spot, Guess that book about making friends isn't that good after all. We walked to the classroom in silence while my starving venom appeared behind me.

Starving venom fusion dragon:"not really your best choices y/n."

I nodded since it really wasn't a good choice of words and I didn't want to look crazy by speaking to a spirit only I can see. After a bit more walking we reached the room, the teacher who would be supervising us was professor banner.

Lyman:"could all students please come to the front of the class and pick up your test papers please."

All of the people who were taking this test walked down to the bottom of the steps where our tests were. Once I reached the bottom I picked up three and turned around to syrus and chumley.

Y/n:"here you go."

I held out the two extra papers for my friends which they took and thanked me as they walked over to there desk. I followed them seeing starving venom above my seat, looked quite intimating. Once I sat down at my seat I pulled out a pen and started to write down the answers to there's question while also wondering about where Jaden is as well as the rare cards that are coming to the academy today, I wondered which once would be in it since dad said that he picked the cards himself, quite a bit of free time on his hands to do something like that. Then ten minutes into the test I heard the door to the room open so I turned to see who it was and it was Jaden out of breath, did he run all the way here from the red dorm? Immediately he walked to the teachers desk and get one of the test papers, I wonder if he will be able to finish the test in time.


The time limit of this test was up and I don't know if Jaden was able to finish his test or not but I guess he might have since he was asleep with syrus.

Lyman:"okay class you can go now class."

Then the whole class shot up and charged out of the class to probably try and be the first to get the rare cards. Once the stamped of people left I got up and walked over to the sleeping beauty duo as did bastion. Once the both of us were standing on both sides of the two I put my hand onto Jaden shoulder, I remember what syrus said about what would happen if you tried to wake him up. But I know Jaden would be upset if he missed out on the rare cards so shook it a bit which was enough to wake him up. Bastion was doing the same with syrus.

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