Chapter 52

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  Jeremiah stood silently in the shadows, watching Jerome and his gang handled the street urchins that resided in his territory.

   The boys were roughhousing for the most part as food parcels were distributed by four bikers, who occasionally scolded the boys to behave themselves.

   Further away Jerome, the large muscular man who seemed to be his right hand, the young Italian man (who stuck close to Jerome) he recognized as Terry and the two hyenas that Jerome stole from the Gotham Zoo stood across from three older looking boys, obviously the leaders of the street kids.

  Moving closer, he caught the tail end of the conversation, obviously the boys seemed to be trying to make up for some sort of mistake. Jerome watched them amused, twirling a pocket knife between his fingers.

   "We could make it up by doing chores and stuff." One of the teenagers piped up and Terry scoffed.

   "Chores? What do you think this, little house on the fucking prerrie?!" He stared at the boy ludicrously and looked at Jerome who only snorted.

  "You watch little house on the prerrie Terry?" One of the more cockier boys asked with a smirk and the Italian boy's eye twitched.

   "Get going you little shits before I stain the ground with your nose blood," Terry glared down at the boys, thrusting a box filled with cherry bombs into the leader of the street urchnes hands, "ya waiting for a formal goodbye? Fuck off." With the group digging into the box, the boys bolted back to the main group.

   "Taking in orphans now?" Jeremiah drawled, moving out of the shadows once Skeet had moved further down the road.

  He wasn't too keen on the large man, height meant strength and there was only so much Echo could do against a man of that towering height.

"My territory, my problem. They don't have any morals when it comes from stealing and causing mayhem," Jerome shrugged, "Elsie's got a soft spot for lost children. That's why she adores Brucie boy. Wouldn't let me kill the brat even in my own house."

  Jeremiah visibly bristled at the mention of Jerome potentially harming Bruce but otherwise didn't comment. "You called me over here, I should hope it isn't to take in any of your wayward adoptees." Jeremiah's tone was cool, collected and not at all friendly.

  "As if you could even take care of one. Probably got enough in your little church as it is,'' Jerome scoffed before audibly cracking his neck, causing Terry to grimance shaking his head, "Just wanted to give you a heads up not to come by my terf anytime soon. Elle's going away with the kids.''


   "Wants to get 'clean air' and shit. See her folks, introduce them to the ragamuffins.'' Jerome explained and Jeremiah was too shocked to snarl at the redhead for calling his precious children, 'ragamuffins.'

"You're not stopping her?" Jeremiah asked and Jerome gave him a look.

"Have you met Elle? She scared the guys more than him!" Terry laughed, his smile falling once he saw Jerome glaring at him, instead moving to clutch his arm and beam up at him.

"Not that I'm annoyed by receiving this information, but why did you tell me?" Jeremiah narrowed his acidic green eyes at his brother who looked mildly uncomfortable at the question.

   Another time Jeremiah would relish in the delicious sight of his twin not on his toes before him, but he wanted an answer.

"She's taking your kids. Thought you should know." Jerome shrugged and promptly pushed Terry away, causing the other to pout and cross his arms.

  "Will there be security?" Will my children be safe?

  "Of course. Skeet and Tommy are going." Jerome nodded to the two men who were leaning in their bikes.

   "I'll be by tomorrow to say goodbye to the children. Make sure than Elsie is sure that she wants to go. I may be persuade her not to go. She and I get along well." 

  "Like Eve and the serpent." Terry muttered but the twins heard him, one chuckling while the other cocked his head to the side like it was the first time Jeremiah was seeing Terry.

  "It would be wise for you to shut your mouth. Run along now." Jeremiah spoke down to Terry who looked at him with rage, only to have Jerome frown at him, nodding over to the others.

  With a scowl and a few insults muttered in Italian, Terry stormed over to Skeet and the others.

  Now alone, Jeremiah relaxed more, not needing to keep up the full pretense that he gave to strangers.

  "I see now why you had to bring him over the other day. Is it apart of your sexual fantasy to bring your third partner to your relationship on your various excursions? No doubt you lobotomized the poor boy." He sneered and Jerome snorted a laugh.

  "Terry? He's my apprentice, assistant/babysitter. If anything, I'm surprised you don't have a little boy toy clinging to your arm. What happened? Your little shadow kill every  Wayne looking Twink you bring back to your penthouse?" Jeremiah's eyes flashed warningly and he clenched his fists, the reaction clearly pleasing Jerome.

   "If you have nothing besides informing me of Elsie's departure, I see no need to continue conversation with you. Good day brother." Jeremiah sniffed haughty and turned on his heel.

  "She wants us to continue therapy while she's gone." Jerome said so quietly Jeremiah almost missed it. He paused, glancing at his twin over his shoulder, Jerome's face was tense and his jaw was locked. Jeremiah was no better, his face unreadable.

  The two brothers, so different yet so alike in so many ways, connected through their birth, children and the love of a particular woman connecting them forever.

   With a subtle nod, Jeremiah resumed his walk, lips twitching as he heard running feet and the sound of Jerome's cry of shock/anger as Terry latched onto him like a baby Koala bear. 

   Out of respect to Elsie he would continue the therapy, a small part of him that he would never admit aloud, hoped for reconciliation for a brother whose life he had destroyed. Because in the end, blood was thicker than water.

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