Chapter 42

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   There were many milestones in a parent's life.

Their child attending the first day of school, graduating from college, getting married, and having a child of their own were the commonly known few. Their first steps were the most precious, if you asked Elsie Valeska, née Daniels.

"Come on baby, come to mama, good boy..." Elsie's beam grew as River unsteadily walked over to her, falling into her waiting arms.

   He was promptly awarded butterfly kisses to his round cherub cheeks, the baby placing his hands on his mother's face with a beam of his own.

"Mama!" River giggled as Elsie rubbed her cheek against his.

   Ace, who had been lying next to Elsie on the floor, lifted his head suddenly, tail thumping the ground excitedly. She bit her lip, knowing exactly who it was that caught her dog's attention.

Releasing River, who he struggled in her arms to be let go, she watched him protectively as he wabbled over to Jerome who stood a few feet behind her.

River had a look of deep concentration on his face as he made his way to his uncle/stepfather.

  Jerome for his own part, watched River curiously, an amused smile tugging on his lips as River crashed into his legs, gripping the fabric of his pant leg as he stared at Jerome happily, obviously very proud of himself.

''Daidí!'' He squealed when Jerome lifted him, tossing him in the air (the boy squealing in delight), before catching him, giving him a kiss and holding him securely.

''Bessie is making hamburgers and salad for lunch,'' Elsie informed him, ''make sure you eat because this is the last of the hamburger meat.'' She added, giving him a pointed look.

  Jerome grunted, but otherwise ignored her, carrying River out of the sitting room, ignoring his wife's scowl and roll of her eyes.

   Anyone who ever claimed to say, that Jeremiah was the drama queen of the Valeska brothers, was way off.

Elsie swore, Jerome was the most dramatic thing to ever exist on the planet earth. 

A prime example their current fight. He hadn't been speaking to Elsie for three days now, communicating through Jason (who was enjoying being his father's messenger boy), Macy (who flipped Jerome off the first time he told her to deliver a message to his wife), and Terry , (who more so served as a listening ear for Elsie and Jerome than a messenger for Jerome at this point.)

   Clambering to her feet, the young mother made her way to the backyard where she left Terry and Jason (Lacy having been in the kitchen with Bessie while the housekeeper made dinner).

    Once outdoors, she immediately tensed. Something was wrong. Jerome humoredly called it her 'wolfy sense' a play on the fictional Spiderman's 'spidey sense'. 

  But now was not the time for humor, and leaning over, she removed a machete from behind one of her plotted flowers.

  A good distance off by the dock she could make out Jason talking to a man. Elsie made sure to know every single person who worked and lived on their estate. After their previous home blew sky high, the couple refused to take any chances and their people were screened thoroughly enough to impress the CIA.

  Moving at a speed enough to reach them quickly but not enough to startle, Elsie stood two feet away from her son and the stranger.

"Jason, come here.'' She called calmly, desiring not to frighten the boy. Jason hesitated to look between the stranger and his mother who grew increasingly uneasy as her son ignored her command.

''But Mommy, he's-" Jason started to whine but Elsie was having none of it, shooting Jason a look of warning.

''Jason, come here now." Her voice thundered across the grounds ad the unfamiliar man smirked, pulling out a fag and lighting it with a low chuckle, blue eyes twinkling with mirth but no hostility.

''Listen to your mother laddie, here....'' He reached into his pocket, pulling out a baseball and handed it to the child who's eyes lit up before he ran over to his mother who ushered him inside, never taking her eyes off the stranger, her gaze now murderous and suspicious.

  ''Who are you?" She hissed lowly, tightening her grip on her weapon.  Silently she cursed herself for dismissing Jerome's men from the backyard earlier in the morning.

  ''Excuse me manners luv,'' A thick Irish accent came from the man as he put out his fag on the lawn, much to Elsie's disgust ''the name's-''


   Elsie watched baffled, as Jerome ran over to the other young man, pulling him into a rough-housing hug, almost tackling him to the ground.

  "It's great to see you man.'' Jerome clapped Jamie on the back, darker haired man grunting, a hint of a smile on his face as he pushed the other man away.

''You called me. I'm here. Though, I think your wife isn't too pleased  about my sudden appearance eh?'' Jamie nodded over to the glaring woman who watched the two interact.

Jerome glanced over to his wife, rolling his eyes before nodding for his companion to follow him over.

"Else, this is Jamie, my third cousin. He's gonna be hanging around for a while. Jamie, this is the old ball, and- I mean my gorgeous wife and mother of my son and heir, Elsie.'' Jerome made grand mocking gestures, still seemingly annoyed by Elsie's actions the previous night.

  ''Pleasure to mee you luv.'' Jamie nodded and Elsie frowned before nodding politely.

  ''Nice to meet you as well. I'm sorry for startling you. Strangers aren't really welcome.'' It was noteworthy that she didn't apolgize for pulling her weapon out against him.

"Jamie and I got some work to do, so we'll be down in my workshop." Jerome watched his wife nod stiffly, hoisting Jason on her hip as she turned around ans headed back inside the house.

  "Peachy isn't she?" Jerome Rolex his eyes, flashing Jamie a smirk that the other man gave a hint of a smile to.

  "Knowing you, you probably gave her a good reason to be pissed."

   "If you weren't my cousin....." Jerome wagged his finger while snickering.

  "Right, well I didn't come all the way from England and into this bloody apocalyptic war zone to die by your hand. You got the drinks?"

  "Irish Whiskey?"

"You know me too well mate."

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