Chapter 54

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    In all honesty, Jerome wasn't exactly sure how he and Elsie got back to the house. He was woken to a pleasant sensation and the sheet covered lower half of his wife, her upper half bare and hanging over him.

Afterwards when he went to take a shower, she practically tackled him back to their bed. An hour afterwards he finally was permitted to leave the bedroom, making his way tiredly down the stairs, nearly tripping and breaking his neck over Ace and Jason, (why the boy found it appropriate to scratch the dog on the fifth stair he didn't know).

Needless to say, he was both exhausted and satisfied when he sat down at the breakfast nook and stared out at the lake through the window.

If he still had his shrink from Arkham he'd be happy to inform him that he had a very healthy and active sex life.

"Morning Bessie, my wonderful housekeeper. What have we got for breakfast this lovely war tone city morning?" Jerome rested his face on his fist, ever the charmer even when he was exhausted.

"Left over braised venison sausages from last night's dinner." Bessie placed a plate before him and he stared down at it, flashes of the previous night and the activities as clear as day coming back to his memory immediately.

"Got anything....not deer related?" He grimaced-there was only so much he could stomach.

"Red meat is good for blood replenishing, you two need the nutrients," Jerome stared at her through narrowed eyes, "besides, this is basically the apocalypse for Gotham. Rationing is what we do now lovey, you'll eat what's on your plate." The older woman touching his cheek with a look of understanding before she pulled away to go make up more plates for the other residents.

Jerome poked and prodded at the meat, watching the juice spill out and swallowed back his bile.

  Very few things truly sickened him and that creepy Wendigo monster was on his top three list. It wasn't just the monster itself, but the stench.......

"Good morning," Elsie sang, carrying Millie in her arms while River was strapped to her back, the baby cooing as he bounced with his mother's steps. 

She put the children in their high chairs, and moved to sit across from her husband, but not before tilting Jerome's chin to kiss him softly on the lips, giving his bottom lip a playful nip as she pulled away, smiling coyly that Jerome struggle to reciprocate, the images of her naked body, stretched before that....creature and those ghosts preventing even him from being able to play house at that moment.

Humming to herself, Elsie poured herself a generous glass of orange juice, taking a dainty sip as she glanced out the window. Jerome eyed her wearily and his fork went  immediately to the small eggs and skipping over the sausage (venison).

The barking snickers of the hyenas and the grumbling of a child broke the silence that had lapsed in the kitchen. Elsie and Jerome watched as Bud and Lou walked in for their breakfast, the latter carrying Jason by the back of his shirt and part of his shorts.

   "Put me down Lou!" Jason waved his arms angrily. The pet obeyed, opening his mouth, dropping Jason on his bottom.

The boy scowled up at the predator, "Mean ol dog." In response, the hyena kicked the boy across the face, nuzzling his muzzle against the boy who melted, snuggling him back.

   "Jace, why was Lou carrying you?" Elsie asked, helping the child into his booster seat next to her at the table.

   Her fingers immediately went to his hair, truly to fix the unruly mess of dark, almost black locks.

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