Chapter 4

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Inside the old busted train was quite different from the outside. It was clean, with the basic necessities and worn furniture, obviously Elsie had  scavenged off the edge of the woods.

"So, what're the names of your pooches?" Jerome asked, sitting on a chair that didn't look as though it would hold his weight, and yet it did, much to Jeremiah's disappointments.

He would have quite enjoyed seeing his brother fall flat on his ass.

Elsie looked up from locking the door to smile at her husband, ignoring the frown of jealously that settled on his brother's face.

"The alpha couple; the russet and grey colored ones, their names are Storm and Lucia, and their pups are Alicent, Lavender, they're the brown and reddish-orange ones and Miah.... is the little white one." Jeremiah looked up from the tally makes carved into one wall to stare at Elsie ludicrously while Jerome roared with laughter.

"Please tell me the one you named after me is a male...." When Elsie gave him a sheepish look, he cursed quietly while Jerome fell to the ground in peels of laughter.

Elsie gave Jeremiah an apologetic look while trying to stiffen her own laughter, an amused smile on her full pouty lips.

"Shut up Jerome," Jeremiah hissed but he was ignored. With a roll of his eyes, Jeremiah turned to the smiling Elsie "why did you name one of your canines after me?"

  "Miah is the runt of the litter-" at those words, Jerome who had finally stopped, began laughing again "but she is the fastest and she moves with the most stealth. She reminded me of you because you're always able to manipulate others to do your bidding." Elsie shrugged, before turning to crouch before her husband.

"Jerome, if you don't stop laughing, you're going to attract animals and I really don't think you'd like to meet the ones that are larger than the wolves and much, much more deadly." Jeremiah narrowed his eyes at her words, choosing to voice his questions at a later date.

"Okay, I'll quiet down for you doll face, but come here first." Jerome motioned for Elsie to come closer and she complied, only to have him drag her down into his lap and smother her with kisses all over her face.

"I missed you so, so much doll face," Jerome pressed their foreheads together closing his eyes and Elsie followed suit, placing her hands on his biceps "please don't ever scare me like that again," Jerome whispered low enough for her ears alone (Jeremiah rolling his eyes in the background).

"Never, mi amore... never." She pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Ti amo fino alla Luna e ritorno." Elsie felt a wave of affection run through her at his words.

"You learned Italian for me?" She beamed, leaning into his hand as he stroked her cheek.

"I'd do anything for you." He brought her into his arms again, only to jump when a sudden crash echoed through the room.

"Oh Elle, I'm so sorry." Jeremiah picked up the fallen chair and broke bowl with apologetic eyes.

"It's alright Jeremiah. I'll get the broom, I left it outside." Elsie signed and with a squeeze to Jerome's hand, she left the two brothers in alone.

"Oh, Elle, I'm so sorry." Jerome did a perfect impression of Jeremiah's voice and laughed "oh you slimy rat. What are you up to now?" Jerome crossed his arms and stared at his brother who shrugged indifferently.

"You know she's changed. I see it and I know you, Jerome, you see it too." Jeremiah said pointedly and Jerome's eyes narrowed.

"I don't see shit. She's fine. She's just a little out of touch with people is all." Jeremiah gave Jerome a look of pity that the latter hated.

"Jerome. You may be an idiot sometimes, ("fuck you too broski") but I know you have enough intelligence to know that Elsie isn't the same woman you fell for." Within seconds Jerome had Jeremiah's throat locked within his fits.

"Don't talk about shit you know nothing about. And don't you ever imply that something is wrong with my girl," He squeezed cutting off Jeremiah's air supply, watching with fascination as Jeremiah began to involuntary struggle to gain oxygen "you could have killed her with your little experiment and she could have died in that chemical crap. But she has been and always will be mine. It's only because of her, that I don't fucking kill you. But you try to turn her against me and it'll be the last thing you do." Jerome released Jeremiah as the door began to open and he plastered a loving smile on his lips as Elsie returned.

  Said woman furrowed her brows at Jeremiah with his doll-like face on the ground, coughing while massaging his throat.

"So! What's for dinner babe?" Jerome smirked down at his glaring twin before winking at his wife and smiled slightly "I'm starvin'."

Elsie stared at him with a mixture of amusement, tiredness, and joy before she looked at the ceiling, shaking her head. ''Give me strength...''

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