Chapter 40

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Elsie accepted the Red Twizler that was offered, gripping the candy as Terry sat next to her on the hood of the former huntress' car. She glanced at the  younger man who ripped the licorice candy with his teeth, chewing thoughtfully as he swung a leg back and forth.

"Did you start out as a cultist?" Elsie asked after a minute and Terry tilted his head bemused.

"No, gang life had always been around me my whole life, my pops had been in the mob back home when things starting going south I left, hoping to find another branch and got caught up in the whole bridges exposing. Managed to hide out in an an apartment building for a little bit. Food started getting scarce and I started to steal. Ended up stealing the wrong person's truck and that's how I met Jerome," Terry smiled fondly at the memory, laughing a little, "I held a knife to his face and he was so surprised someone actually had the balls to do it, and I gave some cocky answer back and he respected it. Took me in that day and I've never looked back," He smiled fondly before looking at the young woman beside him, "I'm not gay you know? All that "flirting" I do to Jerome? It's nothing, just teasing banter. I had a girl-back home. Not sure if she's moved on, but I'd like to think she's happy-but sometimes thinks of me." Elsie rested her hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"You've looked out for my son...." It was a statement.

"I swore to Jerome I'd never let anything happen to Jason or the twins when he trusted me to watch over them. I don't break my word," Terry said seriously, all traces of humor gone, "you guys are the closest thing I got to family now. Family looks out for each other."

Smiling appreciatively, Elsie watched him dig into his box for another candy and let her thoughts wander. The very thought of her husband sent a wave of anger through her. He was so stupidly stubborn. He could never leave well enough alone and endangered himself and their family constantly by picking at his brother.

Her frustration must have transferred onto her face, because Terry waved a hand in front of the other's face, smiling once he caught the other's attention.

"What's got you so down?"

"My husband....He's a stubborn asshole who constantly puts me on edge." Elsie sighed and Terry wrinkled up his nose.

"Men. Some of us are complete jack asses. Can't live with us, can't shoot some in the nuts without them callin' the cops on ya." They both looked back at the crumbled remains of the street, Terry leaning back against the windshield and crossing his legs.

"So tell me, why did ya think I was in the cult?"

    "Terry's taking too goddamn long.  Go find them. I don't care who or what you have to kill to do so, bring my wife home," Jerome snarled his gang nodding and waiting for the dismissal.

With a irritated roll of his eyes, Jerome suddenly lifted his gun and shot the ceiling, the gang members not even flinching as debris fell "NOW!"

   He watched them scatter towards the motorcycles parked outside, switching on engines before peeling away, their hoots and excited yells echoing off the abandoned streets. Putting down the gun, he turned his neck, making a sound as an audible crack sounded in his ears.

   With a frown, he stared at the fresh bullet hole in the ceiling. His men better find Elsie and make it quick.

The last thing he needed was old Johnny boy or Ozzy finding his wife and keeping her for leverage. As much as he hated to admit it, things were getting tight and there were only so many bullets his men could make in the makeshift factory a few houses down.

   It wasn't fun when you had to negotiate on others terms.

    Elsie wasn't sure exactly why she was giving Terry of all people her life's story. But he was a good listener and it just felt good to... vent. To talk to someone who hadn't been there since the beginning, who didn't know Jerome or Jeremiah or the equal obsession both brothers had over her.

  "-and now I just want to take care of my kids and love my husband...." Elsie wrung her hands, her posture stiffening when Terry snorted.

  "Normal's a setting on the dryer sugar, people like us, we don't get normal," he tossed the empty candy bag on the ground and sat up "look, in my opinion, you're a standard case of OCD. But now, you're nuts and you're mind's gettin' all confused because it wants to be OCD, but the screws that are loose, they keep interfering." Terry said all this in one breath, the remainder last piece of candy in his hand he used like a pointer.

   "I'm not insane," Elsie snapped, but manage to control herself after the hurt look Terry gave her for the harsh and snappish tone, "What do I do?" Elsie looked at her companion desperately.

It took all of Terry's willpower to resist the urge to squeeze the woman, damn Elsie for looking like a lost puppy.

  "You just do what you feel is right. Grab life by the balls and go for it all. Take risks, don't think too much on shit cause it'll eat you up, and it looks like it has already started to." Terry gave her a look of sympathy before shoving the last piece of candy in him mouth and he chewed thoughtfully.

  "That's easier said than done. My conscious is pretty fucked up as it is," Elsie laughed bitterly looking away only to be punched in the arm suddenly "Ow! What did you hit me for?!" She glared at Terry, the latter's lips pulled into a scowl.

  "Cut the pity party shit. You gotta get yourself together and I'm gonna help you." Terry climbed off the hood, grabbing his bike and hefting it into Elsie's SUV.

   "What?" Elsie climbed off herself, moving to the driver's side as

   "Nobody, especially me, likes to see you and Jerome argue. Especially when Jason can hear it."

He  ducked into the car and Elsie stood there for a moment contemplating on whether she should kill, or kick the young man out of her car, but Terry was right, and maybe Elsie should take a leap of faith and see how he could help.

"Screw it." She finally concluded, climbing into the car herself and starting the engine pulling away from the last reminder of her innocence for good.

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