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Two twelve-year-olds stood at the side of the soccer field, silently soaking in the other's presence.

The absurdly loud sound of middle-schoolers screaming piercing through the air, the light, refreshing breeze blowing on the children making up for the obnoxious, heavy sounds.

Most of the kids on the sidelines were girls, with the expectation of Zander, of course. High pitched shrieks and howls of delight and encouragement coursed along with the breeze, just as an auburn-haired boy kicked the soccer ball into the net, the squeals from the girls suddenly growing louder.

"Go, Luke!" Stacy squeaked, the sudden sound startling Zander.

The golden-eyed boy seemed to be unaware of the periwinkle eyes following him, as he whipped his head around in confusion, before releasing it was only his navy-haired best friend.

Zander made an inaudible annoyed scoff, before plastering on a smile and waving towards Luke. The latter waved back, before going to the middle of the court to start the next play. He was always one of the more skilled players, and that talent stuck with him as he grew up.

"Isn't he such an amazing player?" Stacy sighed, placing a hand over her heart, as she tensed up in excitement.

The mauve-haired boy narrowed his eyes at her comment, folding his arms across his chest.

"I suppose," He muttered, before his violet eyes dawdled back towards Luke, watching him sprint across the field. A light layer of rose found its way onto his cheeks, followed by a small grin.

Meanwhile, his female best friend had a matching hue hovering over her face, gazing at the copper-haired boy.

"Zan," She mused, flickering her eyes towards the mentioned pre-teen. He nodded, signalling that he acknowledged her comment, as she continued, "Can you keep a secret?"

Suddenly interested in her remark, Zander switched his position to turn towards her, his iconic grumpy expression still printed on his face, with the exception of a raised eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Okay, you can't tell anyone," She squealed, leaning closer to the ombre-haired boy, "Not even Luke."

This alarmed Zander. The three of them told each other everything, ever since they were kids. The fact she specifically ordered him not to tell Luke, the person they both relied on the most, definitely wasn't a good sign.

Zander slowly nodded, an almost cautious, hesitant look melting onto his face.

"I think..." Stacy paused for a moment, her gaze averting towards Luke, who had just scored another goal, earning another fit of cheers and attention from the rest of the students, "I think I like Luke..."

It was like time froze for Zander. His heart sunk to his stomach. The butterflies he felt while gazing at Luke had disappeared into something much more intense, a sickening feeling that left him wanting to vomit.

He stepped away from Stacy. Not a small, barely noticeable step. No, a giant, desperate step backward, large enough to make him almost stumble, desperate to escape the situation. His eyes widened- darting in every direction around Stacy's face, seeing her confused expression.

Sensing his panic, she reached a hand out to her childhood friend, "Zander, what's wrong?" She asked eagerly, a large wave of worry washing over her face.

"Nothing," The dark-haired boy quickly snapped, pulling out of her grasp, "I'm fine."

"I can tell you're lying," Stacy uttered, stepping closer to him, "Tell me?" She pleaded, blinking up at him.

Zander wasn't sure why. Perhaps so much suffering could've been avoided by not telling her, but he spilled out the exact thought that had been haunting him for the past few months.

"I think I like him to..."

That moment...

Something sparked. Not in a good way. A crack in their friendship, one that would never be sealed. Jealousy, envy, anger, every ugly emotion flooding both of their eyes, as they gazed into those of the other.

"Well," Stacy managed to spit, before she pulled out the largest fake smile she could. She reached a hand out, extending it to Zander, "We're best friends. I would never want to lose that. So, how about we both agree to move on from him, and never speak of this again?" She suggested, tilting her head, as her fake grin grew larger.

Slowly but surely, Zander raised his hand up, locking it into hers.



Oh, if only that promise they had kept.


So this is a fanfic I've been planning for a while!
Now, I'm not entirely sure I want to continue it, so, I'll see how the prologue goes!
So please, let me know what you think!

If I do continue this, it'll probably be a short project, probably 7-10 chapters! (I honestly made this now cuz I'm bored on spring break)

In case you guys haven't figured out yet, Zander, Stacy, and Luke are all childhood friends in this au.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! Until next time (maybe) baii!

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