Chapter 4

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"And then he just completely roasted her in front of the entire class!" Zander exclaimed, as Stacy burst into giggles.

The two were currently telling Luke about an event that occurred in their English class. However, they got a bit carried away, and seemed to have lost the auburn-haired boy, as he was staring at them with a puzzled expression. He tried his best to follow, but had given up after some time. Instead, he just slowly nodded, not wanting to make them repeat their story, and continued to search his locker.

Noticing that Luke wasn't laughing along with them, Zander stopped, gazing at the taller boy, "Luke, what are you looking for?"

"Huh?" He turned towards the ombre-haired boy, "Oh, just my song from yesterday," He explained, turning back to his locker, continuing to rummage through it.

"Speaking of that song," Stacy mused, leaning against her locker, "You didn't happen to write it for anyone, did you, Lukey?" She mentally slapped herself for the nickname, immediately regretting it. It also earned a quick, almost unnoticeable death-glare from Zander.

The golden-eyed boy glanced at her, his face turning visibly red. Stacy couldn't tell if it was the nickname, or the topic of the love song.

"Um, w-well," He took a deep breath, readjusting his position. He couldn't keep this secret in forever, and he was going to confess soon, right? "Yeah, I did, actually."

Stacy was about to investigate further, ready to find out who her crush was in love with. She wanted to know.

However, Zander interrupted her before she got the chance to ask, "Actually, Luke, I was hoping to talk to you..." He paused for a brief moment, switching his gaze towards Stacy, before looking back at the honey-eyed teen, "...Alone."

The navy-haired girl felt her blood run cold, as the sickening realization that Zander was about to confess sank in. She would never want to interfere with their personal lives, but if there was a tiny, sliver of a chance Luke liked her, she would do anything in her ability to take it.

And if it meant stalling Zander's confession, so be it.

Luke was about to reply to the shorter boy, before Stacy stopped him, "Luke! You promised you'd help me record the track for my violin solo! Remember?" She asked, batting her eyes towards the copper-haired boy.

"I know, Stacy," Finally finding his love song, he stood up, closing the dandelion-colored locker, "And Zander, I understand you need to talk, but I need to put a hold on both of you," He brushed his ginger bangs behind his ear, giving a small crooked smile, "I actually have some plans."

Instinctively, Zander's face scrunched into a snarl. Luke hanging out with someone other than the two of them was definitely new. "What are your plans?" He asked, venom flooding his tone.

"Jake and I have something to do," Luke explained, before clearing his throat, "I'm really sorry, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Stacy returned the goodbye, while her mauve-haired friend was far too angered to do so.

"Since when do he and Jake hang out..." He muttered, catching the sapphire-eyed girl's attention.

A sudden thought entered Stacy's mind, one that made her heart sink. "You don't think...?"

It took a  moment, but Zander caught on to what she was suggesting, "What? No way!" He quickly argued, "I mean, they've known each other for like two weeks. His crush has got to be one of us, we're like, the only people he hangs out with." Contemplating on what he said, the plum-haired boy added, "Not like I care who he likes."

"Yeah, it would definitely be one of us," Stacy agreed, "And for your information, I don't care who likes, either."

"Perfect." Zander mumbled.

"Perfect!" Stacy chirped, far more enthusiastically than her violet-eyed best friend, "Shall we go?"

The latter nodded, and the pair began to walk towards the exit, bracing themselves for the awkward walk that awaited them.

Stacy was a good person. She truly was, and she knew it. She was raised to be kind, considerate, and always put others before herself. For the most part, she did, however, Luke always came number one. She did the best she could to protect him and look out for him all throughout their lives together, and she wanted him to be happy at any given moment. She wanted Luke to find someone who made him just as happy as he made her. As much as she loved Zander as a friend, she didn't think he could provide Luke with that happiness. So, for the time being, Luke and Zander were just friends.

And she had every intention of keeping it that way.


"Thanks for doing this, Luke," Jake smiled, "I really appreciate it."

"No problem!" The ginger boy beamed, "You gave me the idea to write a song, so I'm gonna help you convey your feelings towards Daisy!"

"You really don't need to do this," The peach-haired boy forced a small chuckle.

"Don't be silly! I want to!" Luke exclaimed ins his usual delighted tone, "Just spill out all your feelings, just like I did with my song."

Jake smiled back, looking back down at the paper. He continued to scribble down words, the feelings he wanted to express towards the white-haired girl.

"Do you ever wonder..."  The hazel-eyed boy began, "If they're too good for us? Daisy's so great,  I don't even get how she's my friend..."

"Oh," Luke giggled, rolling onto the ground, laying on his back, "All the time," He sighed, "My love is so perfect... They could so so much better than me, I doubt I'd ever stand a chance." His eyes glued to the roof, a goody smile splattering onto his face at the thought of his crush. The person who made him happy, made him whole. His life was empty, incomplete until they came. They completely flipped his world upside down, and he praised every moment he got with them. They made Luke wanna be a better person.

"But they're the one, the person I wish to spend my life with, so I have to try."


Sorry for this short, somewhat boring chapter, lol
Despite that, I hope you enjoyed, until next time, bai!!

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